Sunday, February 4, 2007

Florida brevard county area

brevard county florida will not stop molesting the richmond family its anyone at all incapable of doing this at all. In 1978 At an apartment complex the molestation here in melbourne florida 160 Ulster lane in melbourne Florida a keith alan valenca and another adult pedophile one of themhumped by little brother up the butt attacked him inpublic with a loaded weapon to his head have to do this arent any homosexuls this iisnt homosexuality it was a child being harassed all my life by this type of person homosexuals and pedophiles this adult shot him in the head kermit Richmond was his name he drug the dead body to a patio and dumped the dead body off on a patio and left it there another child age 8 he humped this one up the butt and shot him in the head midget both look like midgets both do he took this child and shoved him into a john Boat and he drove the body to the river in a volkswagon but he did do this and dumped the child into the gulf of mexico a lot of families lived here but it was a rental unit the police wont do background checks at all mr. valenca hates the richmond famliy molesting me kimberly richmond with state employees obtained the names from the condominium my mother rented name was carr is one of them her name but it was. jThis was her son kermit Richmond hard to tell who he was at all his whole head was gone slashes on his chest also and sharp slashed that he had on his arms and noone I know he kept going with other people kids his brothers do this too with their sons freaks really weird. He went unnoticed over his midget status he does look like one somehow this midget in his stalking people named this kermit and kermie and kimbelry and kimmie and Just richmond in general people do most are in a mental institution police wont do anything about this at all aware of it bur chose to rack it up as a not happening just refused to do anything the homicides were all the time. Join this no better than this midget went to colorado also and these child molesters all went here to littleton, Colorado all that he wanted was a piece of ass the cops said . Werent belted yet in the mouth for their comments at the police department the midget keith heads for colorado and enters a school in littleton, Colorado its short shorter than the other students there a kermit in Colorado he thought maybe Ill do it again done a a lot here or a kimberly too. What he does all he does. He did enter columbine school with a gun a rifle but why. They thought he was a student because of his midget like stature at the school in littleton colorado when child molesters sweep a neighborhood they sweep it probably a lot of them in Colorado deaths other than colorado that day had to be my brother is not achild molester by theway this sick pervert used his name it was a lot child molester he is not a child molester by the way in any state he isnt one a child molester we have been looking for him for over 37 years and this keith alan valenca abducted one relative kermit richmond and did shoot him in the head . in 1978 i found 12,300 kermit richmonds in the united Statesthere were this many of them at one time not showing up dead he is not a child molester by the way I dont know what kind of sick pervert this is to take this name and to accuse himof child molester that he raped my children kermit richmond raped my kids I know the sicko who raped my kids Im sure I know who raped my kids this name kimberly Richmond is in arrest petitions in Brevard County, Florida on a kermit Richmond my brother for the rape of my kids keith alan Valenca filed these accusations on kermit richmond my brother is not in colorado this
kermitrichmond in colorado had a father and a mother and sisters and granparent of his own more than one of us named kermit richmond pervert did stalk them around he did not rape my kids in Colorado we dont know their family in colorado who would say this at all in his family like who would say this that he did. Looking at the wrong people for a long time in colorado kermit did not molest anyone in Colorado he is being molested i dont have a brother anymore his entire head was gone in 1978 or before he is on the death index he has been on the death index a long time is not living in colorado molesting children in colorado I tried to go to the police so people would leave him alone not from here he had no birth record as florida my brother was born in Colorado. I hope he didnt commit suicide because his name was kermit richmond what sicko be looking outside brevard county Florida where the accusations were made he is was born in Florida kermit richmond was born in the county Im writing this in. The kermit richmond in colorado was born out there in colorado. Who would bother him from colorado or their family in Colorado. I saw some old old old women and black men rape my kids.

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