Thursday, February 22, 2007

Florida their mental health counselling run by cops and child molesters

In brevard county Florida there is a family counselling center circles of care when you read the ads you think family counselling center what do you think about? You have insurance with an employer and that you call assholes up crazy people finding out and you set up an appointment with them to talk about things going on in your life is that correct your problems. Not here it isnt the BAKER act used by sexual offenders their act police process this act in Florida not a doctor anyone calls here and they have your sociall or HRS does the evaluations for sexual offenders its a lot of them after they get off police and fbi and hrs wash the semen out of the childrens mouths and butt but they do force showers at the facilities for them sexual offenders have hospitals in Florida homes they molest children in and the woods too this Baker act helps them their act. No psychiatrist involved at all scaring others around them in the united States at HRS and the cops with the sexual offenders.Children ran in front of cars how they committed suicide over HRS and FBI and cops being the head doctor entire families did over sexual offenders their psychiatry lennie millicent dancy carr over her and tony veseley and gary boyer and hrs employees and james dick. bother people while sexuallyl molesting their children about their dead children that HRS and cops bother the parents about them

Sheriff phillip williams is and has been arresting a lot of adults and children with semen and female saliva in their vaginas hes forcing showers under the baker act in his psychiatric hospital a lot of us have to shower the semen and the saliva off our butts and mouth of adults hes been doing this needed to be sued for slander dead or in prison your why there are prisons needs help from Arcadia hospitals for flipped out rapists called help being a rapist is what.

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