Thursday, February 22, 2007

Florida brevard county cops and hrs

In this county they refused to take reports from adults regarding rape at all claiming adults are not children no more at all. Not children no more wont do it bad stuff about non pedophiles living in Florida families cant live here at all. No one raped you the rapists steal identification but they do splashed us all up the same rapists victims warren Briggs and lennie carr female sexually molesint littlegirls and boys what they did for her family police splashed thebodies up sure did all of them children and families are dead a lot of them 2 million of them clarence bunce pedophile raped little boys never been to arcadia for rapists and sexual offenders supposed to go to a mental hospital we all committed suicide over them all sheriff phillip Wiliams over him he rapes children expected it a lot of them slashed their wrists over them wont do anything at all. baker acted people who were raped washed off the evidence at hRS the cops did melbourne police department he consistently arrested parents the fathers for child molesters murdered the fathers of the children in jail but you did do this daily handcuffed the fathers of small children in the brevard county florida area.

1 comment:

veritas said...

Re: statements and accusations made by My Life. This individual is blatantly posting lies and slandering innocent persons across the internet including this site, and has libeled family members, several individuals, healthcare facilities and providers, as well as law enforcement. This vicious libel must stop and has been reported to the proper authorities.