Sunday, February 4, 2007

Florida horrible florida

In greensboro north carolina someone accused supposedlymy brother of rape his name kermit richmond her file is under 265671819 her background check is this her? This kermit was in north carolina kermit el richmond at 37kriver oaks drive didnt. old women down here in Brevard abducted thousand of little boys named kermit molested them in the county of Brevard lennie millicent dancy carr and carol dick gary boyer brent Zellers warren Briggs ive lived here since 1962 with kermit richmond is who i lived with he vanished he live here too not live in north carolina he was found what they did to him in north carolina he was identified as under a railroad car in germany dead. later on. He did not rape my kids a fake has this file shes using his mothers information i think the fake entered the home when kermit was 2 years old got rid of his mother using her name allthat perverts on this file their mother is missing shes been missing for 35 years karen richmond he thought she got remarried he didnt see the file and IDthief got remarried not his mother at all we cant find her neither can i find her. His mother to tell her is she in the ocean or herremains never found.

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