Sunday, February 4, 2007

Florida mental health care HMO has to be sued dead

About these child molesters i read it never comes to polices attention that they are sharing children and adults more violent rapists are in Brevard County Florida have been ends in death here in Brevard County, Florida has been circles of care they are shared dont want it to come to their attention after the kids were shared gone on forever and with the child molesters and their families and the cops children are dead daily over HRS police sheriffs and the jail handcuffing children to trees in the richmond family dousing them with gasoline and lighting them on fire near homes named richmond its a lot of them plus their sick mouth in their families lennie carr is one of them carol dick her mouth to the cops and gary boyer the fire department puts the fires out since 1960 all they do been no arrest the children are in prison and dead thousands of them in this HMO they have in Florida called healthfirst now employees to circles of care i need help draggin the cops here and hrs into the woods and the sheriffs with child molesters its a lot of them dousing them with gasoline and lighting them onfire Hrs too here been no arrest at all none at all they did this to smith a child and the repricutions were scary just one child in the smith family is all it was but thousands of richmonds smith was 5 years old.

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