Sunday, February 4, 2007

Florida Brevard county Florida

In this county there is an address 431 Riviera Blvd. In indialatic, Florida prior to being at this address sheand her alleged husband were living in Melbourne Beach, Florida The year was 1964 but it was. They moved meaning their family forged a change of address on the owner to not their new address bizarre they became them the owner broke into the home and became them you know went through Stuff in the home in melbourne beach florida and became them. i assume that both of these adults were attack rapists that the couple was child molesters two criminals agreed to commit the crime together duo represented themselves as a husband and wife and owners of a home is that right? More of them of her acquantances who did this messed with little go never going to hear about it not fair real little kids nepophilia and infants dont talk to anyone about anything much and small children either. This couple yet to explain where the owners of the home are and everyone elses home are. Which means never know say your parents have a home right in Washington State and you go to college and your in Florida you get married have a wife and kids 6 years go by you take your wife to washington to Florida it will be the other way around will happen in Florida will happen to use Washington State is not possible just finding things out you think. They dont care what you find out thought it all out and acted it all out with sheriffs and cops so far. This sexual attraction to children makes us do what how bad is this nepophilia how bad lust takes over how bad it is what would you do for an infant?

What kind of a sicko would steal from a site or houses after a tornado a looters with dead people and children in the neighborhood who would build over dead chidlren her family dumped why is it that is a home on all the places where they did.a thigh was found two blocks down recently buried but it was of an adult though hair still on their head but there was the forklift operator found the remains fresh while breaking ground on a new home who made the first call or approached the family or anyone to break ground who did this how did this arrangement start they wouldnt want a home there im sure the owners dont know someone wanted a home built here but why who made the first call after leaving people in the sand in the ground where the vacant swamp is located all this was is a swamp

in 1990 this child hes 6 years old this mommy cant find her son this kid comes over tells her Ill find him I know where he is 7 now the kids tells the childs mommy i know where and the chid tells her lets take a walk his mommy really dont think that a walk out into the woods take the police with us if we find something she decides to go with him to find her child he seems to think her son is in the woods lost in the woods.

This old couple i have pictures of all 9 couples who resided in the home all 6 couples stated they were lennie Millicent Dancy Carr and Cecil Herbert Carr all 6 of them did state this. I have a picture of Cecil H. Carr fromQuinwood West Virginia who bought the home in Florida a vacation home for his children and his grandchildren and himself in melbourne beach,Florida but I do have pictures of him. Never been here he never in the home at all. The owers wife had she was old and had graysalt and pepper hair no plastic hips in her at all no surgeries wtih plastic hips she had a square face very predominat square looking face skull structure and she is pictured on the wall of the home with her husband in the picture remained on the wall. She is never there are all her husband never been witnessed at the address both addresses by children ever at all the owner or his wife were not pictured.

In Melbourne Beach, Florida this couple the fakes during hurricanes the home cost $10,000.00 is all it cost at the time in 1957 evidently the fakes child molesters did was entered the home while the owners were on vacation is that correct? They also had a farm on the beach they grew beans in 1933 in melbourne beach, Florida people bought these and it was family owned and operated business which I dont have cant find not one of them at all. Since 1967

Since 1967 the brevard county sheriffs office has not been in contact with the citizens at all in a normal fashion you have had no family events that I would identify as normal no church events no contact having sixtuplets is what our mother had separated at birth all of us were but have the same prints all but 2 are dead police will find them a passerby will find these and it will match . Well they havent made any attempt to show his face to the community ever at all been no carnivals and no attempt to have any athletic events the community and families had to rely on the Lions Club and the Jaycees for these childrens even the sheriffs office not available to the community for anything normal. Been this long ago just not quite right either;. Been no attempt at all to show his face just his ass with his deputies not doing something right for a very long long time at all whole county probably pedophiles that long ago been tossing children into ditches your the ones making repeated phone calls since rogers family about how dead the children are reported missing to their agency because you were with them ones who abducted them is one reason why crap place to live only been one lawsuit why do you get near anyone at all as a sheriff what makes you arrest people bother people Lennie Millicent Dancy carr you got calls from her a lot of them just from her and from cheryl ann Carr whalen a lot of calls on Richmond how old was richmond 4 years old you got a lot of them billions of calls were made on richmond r year old cant speak but you got a lot of them. hes dead this richmond a lot of them some arent even richmond at all names young by the way she identified these richmonds you got calls from her family too james dick you got a lot of calls from him too and his mother ward family you got a lot of calls on richmond in the white pages sure did get a lot of them all you do from 1957 only calls you take billions of them. This old women lennie Millicent Dancy carr just finished humping a doberman pincher after making calls to the sheriffs office and the police agency. What do you have to do for gods sake it was a doberman and her family pulling up into the driveway of families named Richmond "leave our grandmother alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Do you really think you need to be bothering anyone about their grandmother a whole lot more in the dick family how many addresses did they pull up to how far back all their life not an isolated incident joshua richmond justs moved here got a residential listing and his address bitches were ont top of his address in about 4 seconds hes missing from his home I dont think he understood no one will a women like this and her entire family and entire sheriffs office and all of HRS and all of the cops here are pulling up in their driveway tellling anyone to leave her alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What else she did was abductions of others kids she did kept doing this take off with others kids to this address and get naked and strip her clothes and attack children in the home little kids slammed her face down intheir crotch as hard as she could nearly breaking her neck in the childs crotch during this breaking of her neck in the home her whole family and cops pull up to the parents address who just called the police department about their missing child with axes and electric chainsaws to hack the parents up over their grandmothers life whole state did her whole family every cop FBI agent here but you did this is the only eventThis isyour event as sheriffs with the kids and their parents at HRS is it but it has been the only event the county can have at all but it is became the future of events to come 45 years of it in the white pages.
You should see the bodies of the parents my dad and my mother you should see my dads head was blown half off his legs were all splashed up in his home but it was he died over it only one millions of people in the white pages in the telephone directory. she worked for AT&T one of the mothers here in Brevard county, Florida. the children she abducted never went to public school at all. One looks like the schutz family in 1968 this is her grandmother too. The body isnt at all in these addresses not the body of the owners of the home in indialantic Florida not all entire phone book and changed everyones address to hers last name Richmond all of them. We found 2 smiths but were children in the home at the Smith addresses where 1957 she kept changing it when new people moved into homes drives by to get the mail to find out who you all are steals it changed it to be sent to her address all of it. Dead be nothing you can do she has afamily who can replace you as the ower of the home and they do this replace people after they kill them.

I was never at the indialantic address at all 431 Riviera Blvd in indialanic Florida my grandparents lived in melbourne beach florida in 1957 in a home there sure did I remember what they looked like very well and they moved never saw them again after this.

At this new address in indialantic never showed up at all strangers broke into the home on the beach 431 riviera Blvd. indialantic Florida dont look familiar at all stole checkbooks like a ring very large ring now at the address the checkbooks in the home were stolen and the sewell creek water company records were stolen long time ago they began forging the checks in the home the children who lived here looked was little balls at the end of their nose like a clown unusual but they did so did her daughter have little balls at the end of their nose all the kids did have on my way home from the voorhees past their house I walked home and a little boy named kermit richmond was standing in the road a car hit him in the road but it did he was standing in the road this old women told him that she was his grandmother at the address sexually assaulted the child and bathed him the evidence and with his dog it was a cocker spaniel ours was black we bought out spaniel in Vero Beach,. Florida relatives my cousin was taken to indialantic Florida 5 years old the old women had sex with his dog in the home and let the dog out too it was hit by a car but it was . the child was in the road left unsupervised the old women told him he had to she was his grandmother and her had a daughter picked up kids frequently and molested them the child was hit hard in front of the house but he was hit very hard i tried to stop the car going fast i was hit also in the road this didnt stop the driver and ran the small child over also. the car drug him a very long long way and past this house and this grandmother lennie millicent dancy carr 9 adult child molesters in the home that did this stated to sheriffs between 1957 and today this is who they were made billions of calls these statements Im lennie millicent Dancy carr the owner of this house that she was this person all did 9 of them I just obtained their pictures these statments were made to melbourne cops even grandchildren and how are they anyones grandmother at all I have pictures of these grandchildren even stared at the women at the address i have those pictures believed this is who this was. They claim didnt know who the child was his name was she knew kermit Richmond was the childs name she was sure all sure this case went on forever child was molesting her. Then I found the parents in the woods all our parents are in the woods their cars 1957 earliest year that I found no divorce of anyones parents by the way. No divorce of any of the childrens parents over alcoholism at all they are in the woods bodies were found in the woods but they were these women are old I was young and I had small children I didnt have time for this none of us did want to hear about child molesters and your problems child abusers created any beating anything unusual they perpetrated even with sheets this too anything at all. bad that happens is your problem unable to accept this at all.

Inthe home the abducted children were being made homosexuals and child molesters what the old women was doing making child molesters out of them and this is what going to be fags the little girls and homosexuals and child molesters what the old women makingout of themwith the county and circles of care sharing them 09 women in the house all stated they were lennie millicent dancy carr all of them did state this while one was in the house on the phone not hers 3217234200 not under surveillance the victims were very small kids and dead parents too police wouldnt help families I told you not what the states about brevard is about the other one another lennie millicent dancy carr was at the holmes regional medical center in melbourne florida fight each other these child molesters and parents for the children we all lost against them and the sherffs office and HRS but we did lose. every time against the crazies.

To make people mad she would frequent the holmes regional medical center all the time and would grab babies and throw them down on the ground but she did slamming them on their head and killing them she did more she stole twins and quadruplets and sixtuplets from the hospitals she did this too. Mixing the babies up never been called a child molester never been arrested for child molestation yet andin orlando she did this here too at hospitals cameras picked up a white car on the video cameras ignored it call the child molester for sheriff phillip Williams he screwed that up kept screwing it up all he could do. The babies were inthe wrong crib now all the quads were missing and mothers did get the wrong babies sure did if they handed me a black baby I would know it werent mine or a black women was handed a white baby she would know and complain she did this but she did this and often it was a lot of the time that she did do this a lot obsessed with Garner avenue hot for the children on this road they were never got off it on garner avenue wouldnt get off any other street wouldnt do it. One family lived at 546 Ironwood Drive melbourne I think the father and the mother had 1 child left out of aset of sixtuplets was it. This one Lennie carr did this to upset others and it worked it was not just once but allthe time. She is terroristic with cops and sheriffs fled all the time obtained names of the parents from medical records picked at the records in the hospital and fled to the home burgularized by her and her 9 sisters where did they live when they werent here is what I want to know where in Brevard or in the united States did they live taking turns with the house like a timeshare what did they drive very bizarre. her sisters would drive from south carolina been no investigation just what she says about the families of the dead children stolen paperwork from the hospital shelaunched gigantic investigations into the families from not her phone with her family members 3217234200 made all these long distance calls from this phone to her family who launted investigations on the parents at the hospital with hrs and police agency in other states new hampshire, Florida, west Virginia, california, Texas, Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina kermit was her favorite name to use and a kimberly sickos favorite all 9 of her sisters knew the score get to the house and where the checkbooks were the car keys were and atm cards pin numbers that sort of thing. Safe Deposit boxes that sort of thing. the children were reported missing and are dead now nothing anyone can do about any of it our parents brothers and wives are dead now nothing anyone can do orplanned to do at all.

Dick family is related to these women in the home murdered theparents for her did for what did you all do this for to the parents or homeowners how long all did do this I have pictures of this lennie Millicent Dancy carr all of them a few missing threw those pictures out of the house into the garbage can.

This little kid walked up to an duplex and knocks on the door of this mommy tells shawns mommy he is lost the mother knew he was lost that he was he knew where he was at this point was sure he knew where kid was all burned suntanned hadnt been indoors so he tells her to follow him to the woods really didnt want to go out into the woods he cant be out there in the woods dead or anything most people who murder feed sharks with their victims dont leave them in the woods real sick do leave them in the ocean. I dont know why other than child molesters are in the state of Florida positions you think if you respond for one makes you one a child molester with them if I find out who you are wont be nobody no more any cops or sheriffs or hrs or fbi employees shot some little kid of mine any

This lennie millicent Dancy carr in indialantic Florida 9 women her sisters one is really evelyn in South Carolina only name that we have in over 40 years she gets worse bludgeoning half the united States for her right to get off herself, but she did do this whole family did. After she sexually assaulted little boys bringing to the home she and her sisters all lennie the owner of course in allher statements to the sheriffs office the women threw little boys on the bed in the home dumped it here her calls went to phillip Williams this louse again and to melbourne cops these louses again about the same child all the time kermit richmond even if the child was kermit smith it was going to be kermit richmond taking the child she assaulted into the bathroom first for a bath spending a lot of time on his genitals washing him off cleaning herself off the child was wisked for more care by the abductors to Carol Dicks house name she used with police agency this was an adult child was reported missing to melbourne police department by his mother I have her picture she was bludgeoned to death during another abduction by the same family of another child stole her picture its a souvenier stuffed in the attic of the home found when one of them died decided to end it at the address when they were finally reported by one and only living adults only one alive barely to report difficult police would not take reports at all circles of care get to them. child molester who murder children need a place to do this have to rapist nasty crazy people but they are make it sound like having sex with children sounds to melike its all the time making statments to kimberly Richmond an awful lot the mother of the chidlren and the father were bludgeoned to death at all the addresses all were 1414 Hillcrest Drive in melbourne florida the parents were bludgeoned to death by Clarence Bunce and his wife phyllis Bunce in the home they lived in. He and she needed a place to molest rape chidlren in. But they did do this. What got them off more is the sheriffs office and the police here with their help with the bludeoning in the county andunited States of the richmond chidlren and their families but it did got off even more only events the county has but it is.

The white pages of the phone book serious slaughtering to do in Virginia anyway moved down here to Florida to finish the slaughtering this took 1954 slaughtering continued into 2006.

Another pedophile and a nepophile Brent Zellers and Gary Boyer 721 City of Titusville Florida police officer began abducting boys in the community no one knew or cared really parents were bludgeoned to death siblings; The boys were taken named kermit and shawn from their homes in the united States brainwashed didnt like it to a home on Trimble Rd. in melbourne Florida like these lennies 9 of them there were 9 of them all adult males brent Zellers gary Boyer and Warren Briggs one of them used 8 homes or more to set up shop the boys were told this is their family held here by men for years all were they knew other women who sexually molested children shared the boys and girls all of them did. People are careful with their girls not their boys so much. These boys ones who lived at all not fed ever at all no water no medical care from these child molesters were told to go to college parents couldnt find them in the young and richmond families at all even after reports to the police children didnt know these adults claim only 1 child 345,000 of them using the name kermit richmond billion times over and kimberly a billion times over to hrs and sheriffs to relatives they had no contact with their mothers or their fathers or uncles or aunts at all told this is their new family sexually harassing others and the chidlren told they had to go to work and get a job, at this job these men controlled knew werent their family constantly harassing them molesting them sodomized them at the address. the boys did find work no suits parents never found them at all karen richmond another one names of mothers sick individuals same name all the time approach every karen richmond they can locate wont explain why. end up dead so serial murderers or something.

All the boys were told they had to live at an apartment 601 Delaney Park Drive #4 in orlando Florida when they found employment of course background checks were bad at this employer these males would enter the empoyer and rob the place they worked for telling not their children that your being blamed for this iill say your the one who robbed the store not their relatives no one harasses anyone like this they dont know isnt their child at all nobody normal does this all the time no plans on returning the children in the divorces even filing divorce documents with the court house with the children s name on them telling the children your parents got divorced no divorce at all. No one got divorced one parent was shot in the head by the males adults who abducted his son all named kermit even more bizarre of circles of care a family counselling center and charter hospitals in orlando Florida is owned by the same people in this apartment the boys tried to go to college and the men would show up tried to run so many of them they would run the address being 1 mile from the FBI agency on wickham Road. even. Supposedly no ones who they say they are need to check people out in ads regarding mental help really need the scoop here wont tell you have to have the information dont want your family there let their familes use the business on their own families they have family members these little boys did try to go to college applied for college grants and aid when the checks came in these adult males were at their address and stole this fromthem too would not let them see their parents at all notonce no concerns at all dont care the county of brevard. One student at UCF 13 years old and the men put him in handcuffs and he was small of course never fed at all in the handcuffs brent Zellers and gary boyer warren Briggs stuffed 5 bottles of sleeping pills down his throat and left him on a bed or a futon dead in the studio apartment hundreds of them for dead in the apartment were left this way. All the students the men applied for college grants for the boys not their boys at all. This has been going on for over 40 years in the Brevard county florida area in this house the boys penis were removed from all the bodies andplaced in a blender of the abducted boys by brent Zellers one of the men. We couldnt find our sons this one was mine I had a son also. Couldnt find him he wanted another hole for the child for him to get off in with his genitals the county wanted this of brevard calls to parent were your child committed Suicide that sort of thing no authority to make the calls not how they died the parents filed police reports children were missing copies of the reports made to police in melbourne Florida been making them as far back as 1967 whole time find later this bitch has the boys at an address in melbourne florida is employed by the county of brevard in some context.
One child is richmond he was left in the woods his skeleton is left decomposed claiming im next that my child is next so am I next to die this way. He has not been found just a skeleton at this time. There is a 1957 Chevrolet chevy in palm bay florida but there is one this couple never found the mother and the father are in the woods the child was abducted and taken to indialantic Florida address also her family tossed the parents into the woods never found at all another richmond orkermit set of sixtuplets stolen from a hospital was taken out into the woods by black men way out into the woods named kermit is one of them and shot and left in the woods by the men. Another set of twins both richmond one was found badly beaten and sodomized a sheet had been tied around his neck and he was hoisted by the neck with a sheet around his neck broken left overnight in a tree by brent Zellers. record slandered named kermit his brother a twin was found in his apartment he had a burgundy refrigerator in the home white looked traumatized and a sheet was wrapped around his body a deputy sheriff tore his right arm off the body in his apartment he had been raped homosexually and was traumatized left on the table in the dining room he was badly and severly beaten all over his face and legs his right arm this sheriffs deputy broke this arm off of the body. He looked dead but stood up barely traumatized named richmond. These had all been abducted by brent Zellers another one kermit richmond he was sitting at the bus stop in orlando Florida with a guitar this warren Briggs had stalked the student assume richmond in the phone directory where you got all these kids at all parents did walk into police departments and did report them missing to police agency in other states refused reports in this county would not take the reports my son was found boasting about it shawn his name he was tortured badly by Brent Zellers and Warren Briggs underage and a minor richmond is his mother he was in a ditch drive out into the woods way out into the woods but he was near alabama Warren Briggs brent Zellers and gary boyer drove his corpse a very long way he had been shot several times sodomized there were 65 gunshot wounds to his head his stomach and his legs his corpse was streched out his arms were above his head streched out i was next to go with my child he was not 18 years of age yet. He was very thin had not been fed at all by circles of care 400 E.sheridan Rd. melbourne Florida advertised family counselling center and charter hospitals in orlando florida is owned by them state of Florida employees are these doctors since the facility opened in 1965.

A child told me that it is an occult what it is that this occult brought bodies out to the woods off palm bay road in palm bay florida and dump bodies in the woods there were piles of them he says my son is here kimberly Richmonds son where he was found in the woods the occult dumped him here. He was 5 years old.

A busload of children was also hijacked by the family counselling center warren Briggs black adult male jumped on the bus and put guns to the childrens heads but he did do this Shaun Richmond one of the children not the others kids not shaun richmond at all. In this occult more boys little boys age 6 he died in the woods sodomized and beaten by a black man with a bat abducted from the parents address and circles of care abusiness owned by the state of Florida and charter hospitals in orlando owned by florida. Another little boy abducted and used for fag sex acts run over by local police at this business. Another little boy was his legs were severed and he was fed to sharks in the ocean by this occult named Richmond and another one fed to sharks in monroe county age 15 and another child abducted was sodomized tortured by the same parties and his legs were severed and he was fed to sharks in the ocean. richmond his name in brevard county his family was listed in the white pages how he was found. another richmond kimberlly Richmond whose brother baker acted her for razors she became suicidal in brevard county, Florida she was found also badly beaten and shed been hit in the groin several times. Another kermit Richmond pornographed by the police tracked around circles of care and charter hospitals in orlando family counselling center supposedly he was shot numerous times by the center in the face in the chest in the legs and arms and in the face over 224 rifles shot at him sheriffs is how many tiney he had dark hair dark eyes and was white. in Florida.

He was told inside his home to come out with his hands up the cops drove up to his address in the residential white pages with kelly donald and kelly dick their family he tried to walk outside and their family had his address surrounded with police and sheriffs they shot at him they drive up to all and any residential white page listings they find in the phone books have been since 1967 is how long ago I last witnessed them at another address on garner Avenue in Eau Gallie Florida their mother carol dick she has this problem shes a child molester and shes old and in the home she had 4 chidlren she was having sex with and she had a husband and a father she accused him of child sexual molestation not a pedophile that I know of she also abducted a lot of children with others and i wrote this down their names kermit richmond is one of them of the children age 4 at the time not the story the child molesting her is the story he raped her been going on in this community with cops and these child molesters for a long time unfortunately no one in their family died another john Dick was arrested no father in the home at all. He had a twin brother also these child molesters unable to stop couldnt get off on children leave them alone at all. 73-2978CA-01 this case was filed by their family sueing children and their father in this case in Brevard county Florida. the childs family one of them owned a home in melbourne beach florida lennie millicent dancy carr was the owners name this women carol dick her family was using the home for child molestation purposes more than one carol dick got the wrong dick .
her son the brevard county florida ambulance driver also did was is pulled up randomly to houses in the area inthe white pages again picked at it the white pages to see if any richmonds lived here at all all do do this and drove to their address in the white pages grabbed the richmond even children and drug their bodies into the ambulance for the county and tore their genitals off the bodies leaving them in the woods and driving off with the ambulance he also broke into the homesand peeped penetrated them in the anus first and in the genitals trying to force some public sexual peformance for the county of Brevard he left a lot of bodies are in the woods one richmond last name he was also violently sexually assaulted by james dick left him in the woods starved to death dick was fired from the ambulance service victims suffered a lot of slander by this county ambulance driver of women also with children inthe home and to pregnant womennamed kimberly Richmond over his grandmothers 9 of them are child molesters nancy bernyk is his cousin too mike and steve bernyk.

There is another women in with them all carol dick who she says she is and she has been getting children from lennie millicent dancy carr

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