in florida circles of care part 2 of the hmo they think brent Zellers and kimberly Richmond and kermit richmond their patients you think 265671819 her social security number her sibling is kermit richmond 100 billion police have arrest warrants on this background check sure do not just in the brevard county, Florida area it is in new mexico have warrants for his arrest 120 billion police officers have arrest warrants on his file he has been arrested by the state of New york over 100 counties sheriffs police are looking for him with warrants for his arrest sure are date on the file is 1970 he was 6 years old kimberly Richmond renee middle initial this is their patient at circles of care baker act onher file schizophrenia wife of keith alan valenca now do you see this this women was never married to keith alan valenca his file his wife are on another file in federal computers his wife was kimberly rene Valenca married in january of 1980 in brevard county clerk of court he would have michelle cornish beverly cornish nicole cornish richard cornish do i need to know this no his wife either by the way he would have lennie carr carol dick james dick a cousin of kimberly richmond no its valenca is her name since 1980 be no kristina or shaun we dont know a mess and richard valenca in charlotte north carolina and debra his wife had acurrent department of motor vehicles address since 1981 tom hanson shannon hanson her niece do you see this at all manuel valenca in clearwater florida do you see this nicole cornish her employers would be wal mart in homosassa Springs florida do you see this as cops sure dont see it in new york or new hampshire or in california or dc stated to her california she is a lazy mother fucker what they called her mother at the hospital brent Zellers circles of care this is his patient teresa parnell in winter park florida do you see that this is a keith alan valencas wife at the winter park florida police department where is this at the FBI in melbourne and tampa do you see this on the file? do you see gary carr, Sr is her uncle and uncle clarence bunce a child molester who is living in a kermit richmonds home walking into a melbourne police department today stating he is the uncle of this women kimbelry richmond he is uncle clarence bunce he tells steve smith 238 melbourne police officer this is her uncle and susan bunce is her cousin she is alive today and ms. parnell is alive today and she is not keith alan valencas wife not me at all this is not who I am do you see these relatives on the file does the orange county sheriffs office do you see ms. parnell in winter park florida do you not see this is not your patient kimberly valenca was not married to your complaintant constantly keith alan valenca not his wife i am not his wife my name is also kimberly richmond this is not my brother at all by the way.
When police in new york william dickenson do you see this national security employee in DC do you see them jay dickenson on the file his cousin or an aunt cecilia dickenson in titusville florida do you see her dead on this file. Saying they are alive and are her husband and that kermit richmond is their brother in law they are most certainly alive today right now ass a matter of fact real alive living all his and her aunts and uncles are allive nicole cornish is her niece must have seen her name her mothers name all this time sure had to see this thats whose making all these police calls kathy dancy maiden name father in indialantic florida have to see her on this file the cops she called belinda june carr have to see her too she lives in west Virginia she told police these are her cousins she would she is alive right now in rainelle west Virginia you cant be allthese cops are on this file hospital did this they saw them all on this file these are not their relatives im afraid but they are stating these are their family but they are stating this right now no one is alive on this file okay not one relative living at all.
This county claims this kermit richmond walked into a courthouse and baker acted his sister in 1992 this is not possible look at the file he is in jail in al l50 states that lennie millicent dancy is his grandmother is alive calling police stating this Im his grandmother she couldnt be his grandmother at all police arrested him aunt evelyn in south carolina this is not her fin nephew at all child molesters nephew she says she is his aunt how is this and this women is her niece right now she is her niece this is not kimberly Valenca this is their relative of all of theirs this is her name when the cops entered this file her name was changed to kimbelry rene Valenca on january 1980 was the year it changed sure did in federal computers she contacted social security admin told them too that it did. her not husband is alive and calling police and hrs with this social is alive now stating things now. cheryl ann carr whalen is her cousin been her cousin you think her coousin is on this file police saw this mary nevey her too these two siblings arent walking talking anywhere if you see all the arrests over this high school chum she thinks these siblings are it only kimbelry and kermit siblings here it is upsetting i have not seen my father mother or brother since kmart in 1970 is how long ago i have not seen any of them. Whose file is this she is not alive why the cops continued for john dick and carmen palacios is her cousin this is not her cousin police arrests their calls go on this file ryan dick addie dick is not her cousin the hospital did this to this is their patient a patient of circles of care and west florida hospitals not your patient shes delusional and hallucinating about the above too using this name and social nowhere near any of these dead people not her relatives at all.The pentagon agency is on this background check as her re;lative to id theft to identity theft by a stranger and to keith alan valenc athat bo hearn was related to her kimbelry richmond and kermit richmond the child got murdered in all this a long time ago he thought his mother got remarried what the cops told him this is not what her file says at all. bo this person was not married to all important keith alan valenca not his wife or his family ever at all another kimberly police murdered mauled her to death this karen hearn is a fake not karen richmond his mother is missing not remarry the pentagon at all any bo hearn missing karen richmond i think the address is 1414 Hillcrest in melbourne the father the mother and kids are missing from in 1970
This keith alan valenca says with this social security number 265671819 kimberly richmond is my unfit wife needs her head blown off this is his wife married on january 1980 in brevard county florida this is her police found her for him to blow her head off national security threat threat to the national security agency blowing her head off all these cops his brother said albert valenca this is his sister in law or was she met his brother albert valenca is his brother of danbury connecticut this is his wife her name changed to kimberly valenca do you cops see this blowing her head off she is a paranoid schizophrenic steve smith arrested his wife on march 3, 1992 this is his wife needs her head blown off that a kermit is her brother he filed a baker act on her his sister . Not possible this kermit richmond is not her brother that dreama davis is her aunt in west Virginia threat to national security needs her head blown off her aunt this women live din west Virginia none of this is true patient at circles of care baker act his wife not his wife never his wife i found kermit richmond dead on the death index for whatever reason the state of Florida and the county of brevard chose at the time not to report this to social security on the federal death index he is not reported on the death index federal in the year 1958 is the year he was pronoucned dead the county law enforcementn agency reported him dead on the death index not on the federal his son was found in west palm beach florida a child dead he was found 1959 is the year he was found dead a child under the age of 8 years old is not in the county of brevard is not alive in the county or state of Florida he did live here the citizen here these supposed cops and this aunt dreama shit and this iim uncle clarence bunce im a threat to national security agency need my head blown off also andrea richmond stacy is on this file too this is her mother the child was born on 4/27/1993 no child on this file cops all cops arrests not possible no child on this file she would be on this file just not here this is not her mother at hrs the hospital steve smith arrested after a violent rape refused to take this report needed her head blown off head blown off head blown off keith alan valenca told HRS this was his wife HRS accusations accusations these are accusations that she is a mother of andrea these are her relatives not on this file not accusations they can be check out she is a threat to national security agency teresa parnell is her doctor needs her head blown off over this doctor shes in winter park, Florida this is not her doctor this kimberly richmond renee was snot in her office in winter park, Florida at all not there never in winter park yet police for ms. parnell this her name should introduce yourself before you blow schizophrenic unfit parent of andrea stacy richmond born april 1993 she was not born to this kimberly richmond brent Zellers is not thte father on that file either dreama davis is not the father on this file warren Briggs is not the father on this file kermit richmond was found dead in west palm beach, Florida his body was dumped in 1959 only kermit richmond and his son who resided in the state of Fforida ever at all were these two residents of the county of Brevard only child named this born here at all these are not his relatives do not live here police have arrest warrants the childs molester being a cop did not file his social security number on the death index federal yet fbi is on this file and what for your up walking around for relatives on this file arresting these two for they have relatives where are these doctors baker acted on this file found someone else with that name children were found pronounced dead in west Palm beach the florida death index verified he died no longer living child molesters did this relatives state they are his and her doctors and uncles clarence bunce and teresa parnell a molester and gary city of titusville florida circles of care brent Zelelrs dont want the dead childrens death on file im not his sister either not my file found dead in 1958 this is inane all of it they have living relatives all child molesters cazlling cops and the cops are actually filing arrest warrants on children found dead on this file in brevard county in 1959 not alive at all to arrest in the county or united States have no relatives the file reads their uncles whole family is dead all 325 members are dead been dead for over 40 years yet kellly dick and kelly donald and james dick pulling up in a driveway stating they are cousins of this kimbelry richmond shes dead whole family is dead has no relatives alive been pulling up to blow her head off over their grandmother her grandmother too the old women lennie millicent dancy carr documents state this is her granddaugher have to face it dead bodies you put there aftedr the sexual molested by your family and cops here didnt pay the family off or the cops for the children or the FBI didnt pay them off not place these social only two left not on the federal death index i am not either their relative i dont need my head blown off over keith alan valenca my husband he isnt either every day of my life anyone here im not from here this is the original family was here in 1957. Rest of the children named this from somewhere else.
In Brevard county florida an yellow page ad finally decided they want to confront families the police in melbourne going to talk to you in person finally years later there were children at garner Avenue going to talk to us peeping andpenetrating at this family counselling center in melbourne florida the center run by police with a child police broke into a home watching the child her name was kimberly richmond age 5 see everything her chest when she took a bath naked the police agency virtually assaulted the child virtually attacked the child in the home at the address with the parents in the home another child thought to be a subject kermit richmond made no contact just watched like the children were adults cops were peeping into the home tracking the children around like an adult sexual offenders like criminals been watching the child kimberly Richmond for over 40 years same cops are in her environement national security cops said nothing just assaulted the children in the home they were children at the time in the home kimbelry richmond this police agency did track her as an adult it was a 5 year old a cops could see this that she was 5 and her brother kermit richmond was 2 years old kept tracking her around penetrating her in the vagina in the genitals cops spoke to the children told them to pick up items in the home wanted to see them do something adults do teaching them to do something like madonna later on on the TV set. kelly Dicks aunt broke into the home too took all the toys only stranger adult broke into the home had the addresss and remove documents with names that sort of thing they wanted the children to committ suicide after their public performance the police no plans on stopping this 5 year old was acriminal still are now the police agency when this child tried to ride a bike and hit her with this product even naked the child fell offf her bike and slit her face open sure did more scars he remember this relationship your police agency thinks you have with virtual kids those products they were only 5 no one we know you this virtual products that the children were being assaulted with just broke in one day and hit the little girl in the head she screamed while the cops did this hit her with it she could feel it hit her inside her head repeatedly at her parents address and penetrated the child grabbed her by the head and arms and legs and in the genitals like an adult her name was kimmie richmond her name she was 5 years old her father too they watched this looking for suicide cops told the family to kill themselves wanted to see this to do it the view on the computer was at the end of the street the cops saw a car coming and told the child to run out in the road in her home with her parents a virtual system submerged in the home prior to her father buying it there was a family at the address before totally submerged virtually by cops videotaping the family naked in the home and everything. she did go out into the road cops saw this car they thought with their view just hit the family in the home watched for suicide of the children in the home sexually assaulted the father too wanted a public performance or suicide criminals he thinks the child did and it wa s a bike she laid in the road as the cops told her to do and were under arrest the child was what the cop said to the child in 1965 also tracked little sexual offenders around sheriffs phillip Williams tracking little kids one did he did run he was hit very hard by a car later on you built circles of care in 1965 more children families getting rid calling the scars appendicitis there are scars all over the child taken to the emergency room no warrant for any arrest here until later years later steve smith melbourne police department decides to confront to look her in the face having fun with the children with the products its schizopohrenia now years later he wants more funds money for his family and hrs $56,000.99 from the same childs scars all over her face stiched up over the cops and virtual assasults over arrest start another slander campaign to go with the scars shes delusional hallucination crazy sick in the head mother he became rape like a cop homosexual like battered her even more with virtually assaulted her in the groin nothing in their home at all hrs also its paranoid schizoprhrenia no scars on her face or her stomach none at all most certainly are the children did as the cops told them to do 75 at one address i have their pictures cops are in the environment inside the same address the fbi in wickham rd you need help it is a mental problem how would you know video taping me watching me in the home wathching my reaction to touching mein the genitals to see what I do during penetration since age 5 i have scars by the way later on for a family in onnecticut keith alan valenca a husband for people for complaintants with my name and the child kermit richmond on garner avenue in Eau Gallie, Florida now melbourne they sexually assaulted my father down there tried to get the fathers and their kids to perform for cops inside their home with virtual products or kill himself the cops stayed on the property my dad was in the us marine corps 1967 now its another family touching and penetrating the cops are wanda studstill the citizen now she has no scars broke in over her how long ago this was later on calling this schizophrenia they were not arrested at hrs for the molestation with the products the children did kill themselves for the cops over the products sexual public performances by the police agency and HrS called a macintosh and the other nasa views under arrest the children did c ommit suicidce over other peoples children at one address.
My genitals are burned with radiation from virtual products national security agency has burned my vagina repeatedly Im a guy in citrus county florida another kimberly richmond her too slit their patients throat she worked for mcdonalds not hospitals in your state ads in the yellow pages no one stole anything from your store in yellow pages from the cops store mine are so were hers tracking products by their national fags inside the pentagon agency sorry ass stupid idiots who run shit in this country get stupider more retarded every single day in this country you think your rapists what they do. Your are the stupidest bunch of mentally retarded rapists running the united States of america who voted you anything here pentagon they are burned seared blistered by a texas sheriffs see me in texas videotaping your fags this is scary i think that criminals went up there working in positions of trust complete crazies not who they say they are hearn at the pentagon take a look at this its not okay kimberly renee Richmond 265671819 look at this federal social her background check take a look at what the fake did id thief near the pentagon Id thief and her family did.. Not at the pentagon stole identification and became karen richmond where is she? Rapists at national security what are raping us for kimbelry people sexual battery see keith alan valenca or any jmarriage on the file? to a keith valenca do you see this at the pentagon? see anyone alive on the file at the pentagon they arent the fakes alive and well this is a sick file cops going to addresses of these two children while the fake and her flipped out relatives hold the children murdering them all for a fake when the fake makes calls to her family who does she call FBI know in brevard county florida
the county baker acted 12,000 women named kimberly richmond wont get off an address VA property wont get off it on garner avenue in eau gallie florida albert valenca wont get off the house murdered everyone ever lived at the address state gets off on you did it to yourself really do get off on it really bad how deep seeded sick hrs agency is piece of foster parents needed ass this is what I call HRs foster parents. needa lot of ass sure did in Florida
this is them florida did baker acted 12,500 kimberly richmonds valenca family believes its for them cornish too it was for their families cops went around blowing theirheads off on state roads little kids all of them were baker acted bythe county of brevard in a hrs computer the police left brevard and circles of care a family counselling center call is athe cops needed a piece of ass from children what this is all is everything state does ever did do fakes. the HRS agency did go into police computer basically entered warrants baker act in an HMO people with health insurance ar eunder arrest the county sheriffs left brevard and went to addresses some didnt have one so the parents did have one at the DMV offices make sense sickos yet and handcuffed kimberly Richmonds and their parents for pscychiatric evaluations on their permenant record and demanded $75,000.00 for this evaluation for schizophrenia they all have diagnosed in brevard county florida by gary boyer and the family counselling center spent the last 50 years arresting them all in a federal computer they were arrested children were taken and driven in sheriffs cruisers not vans psychiatric vans no counselling here needed bizarre ass their way picked the name out of a hat all brought to circles of care by police here permenant arrest records are you stil on this in the state capitol on kimbelry Richmond her sexual battery execution private one scaring people in your state 12,000 women and children named this were handcuffed by this county were institutionalized random thing hrs did get off of it kimberly richmond wont get off it faces were scarred what were you all doing wanted justice got your freak on needed ass from their families your all crazy how long did this take you all to do this ? get your ass??? A lot of it all had to die over this ass no one is voluntarily doing this ass thing no child did not how you get ass? All they think about in this state all you all do is sexual not gonna stop with the kimberly richmond not who the state is dont need more ass there in foster homes got enough ass pervert in the gibbs family in titusville, Florida i am not his relative is in dc kimberly gibbs her too this couunty did her too attacked her in DC area and her kids none of the 12,000 women and children lived in HRs florida jurisdiction or cops in florida your jurisdiction is Florida and shawn these children also have baker act fag state is florida on their criminal arrested by the brevrd county family counsellling center in melbourne florida gary boyer a cop have delusions and hallucinations on their file not your patients all under the age of 2 not your patients not calling your state no one called teresa needed ass parnell family she the child molester was not contacted by Shawn the children these kids were arrested at their address by national security for the family counselling center all of them because you all needed aSS
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Re: statements and accusations made by My Life. This individual is blatantly posting lies and slandering innocent persons across the internet including this site, and has libeled family members, several individuals, healthcare facilities and providers, as well as law enforcement. This vicious libel must stop and has been reported to the proper authorities
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