This chuck vesley sick cop rapists continues for kimberly Richmond at melbourne high school where chuck veseley attended school here tony Veseley is hi s brother he is employed at patrick air Force Base, Florida we dont need to hear about this kimberly Richmonds dont need to hear kimberly Richmond with the brown eyes graduated from the high school in this divorce with lennie carr and circles of care none of us have seen our parents in over 40 years at all over her writings and court documents using this name kimberly Richmond know where they work what their names are what you did to them in your families part II of chuck veseley also needed the other kimberly Richmonds her home address he made sure he got the 14 year olds address where she lived she did have bruises all over her thighs little teenager who lived at 620 Grove lane in melbourne florida not reported to the police agency he made sure he thinks he needed this and his brother is tony Veseley USAF test pilot at patrick air force base, Florida over his family either we havent seen our parents mysteriously got divorced thousands of us over circles of care in this case cant find our mothers our fathers our aunts uncles even later out own children the case is 73-02978CA-01 in Brevard county her name is lennie Carr she had all these kids in that house from 1957 we cant find them we are not kimberly Richmond brainwash they did this too child molesters whowor, county did htis hrs did this brainwash with these sickos in their family part 2 of floridas hospitals I remember my siblings I think being taken from the home in pairs told we swere kimberly and kermit richmond had to be them taken to this home in indialantic molested dumped in ditches abducted from other states named kimberly richmond county did this for the old women we cant find our mothers all those children thousands of them veseley still today maintains that my father workeda tthe Air Force station violent flipped out sexual offenders I dont know them Im another kimberly Richmond
Later on many years go by almost 39 years pass and lennie Carr who singlehandedly did all this damage to mothers she did with circles of care used this hospital gary boyer titusville police officer and the county to do something to not her family at all bother their own families children in them in can prove this you did have them in your own family little kids all did have to molest it gets worse she had stacks of pictures in this house in indialantic Florida
In the clerks office part ii of the brevard county clerk of courts office horror here with the mental health order office and kermit richmond I find out who his sister is finally not me at all in this order shes slashing her wrists with razor blades this order is sent to sheriffs and to circles of care identified me again as a kimberly Richmond his sister. I find this yearbook in the dead womens home dies 38 years later there are thousands of families things in her attic of children and their parents pictures albums just not her stuff weddings of kimberly Richmonds little girls by this name thousands of them their weddings their little babies their mothers not all their fathers birthday cards i find stacks of birthday cards never mailed to their "daddies" I find "daddies their birth certificates of children as far as ft. worth texas named kermit richmond all of them their mommies records their mommies photos from other states momentos of thousands upon thousands of little boys and their mommies and their daddies pictures and photos and stuff and christmas cards this old women and her family abductors promised they would mail them to their daddies. They went unsent and unreceived the one daddy was in the hospital a lot and passports on different kermit richmonds thousands of daddies and their little kids with pictures of their children were in envelopes the children were told some were quadruplets taken but they were separated by this lennie Carr who told her to write anything down in the brevard courthouse and who told the sheriff to assault the families for her and their fathers and their mothers from all over the united states.
I find old yearbooks from west Virginia with pictures of people their family said they were to police and HRS agency here in Florida and to the FBI and to Circles of caer we are from rainelle West Virginia i find old old yearbooks and to circles of care i find sweaters belonged to mommies in west Virginia the old women had their children in her home with them mommies are just not matching who they are dont look anything like them at all. how they got away with it makes no sense. j
I find central jr. high school melbourne florida i find this yearbook in the dead sickos house andso is her family from rainelle the owner of 431 riviera Blvdl. Indialantic Florida I find this gary boyer city of titusville cop runs circles of care him too i find you stuff every kermit richmond ever born all their stuff, from the 1957 to now a picture of each one and each kimberly Richmond from their homes rest was thrown out.
I look in this yearbook in 1977 and I find kermit richmond and his hand writing I have not seen him since 1977 left in a ditch evidently or something in the kermit abductions very bizarre all abducted with this name at all brought to the county of brevard by circles of care.
I find another kim richmond in this yearbook with these student not me I have a scar and a slash on my chin since 1968 how long its been there on my face. She doesnt have I find both kermit and kim in the yearbook at central I find another kermit richmond at melbourne high school in melbourne florida in 1982 vanished. The writing matched but this kim richmond who he baker acted is not me at all she looks nothing like me has no scratch on her chin at all none at all eye color does not change by the way at all. I find pictures of twins separated by lennie Carr women in the divorce case and circles of care its a mess she lives we all die very sick sick sick inviduals at Hrs not helpful here under the circumstances no idea they done for others makes no sense little twins were separated by circles of care quadruplets im upset enough she and her family have no rights in the united States to do anything to anyone like this if you only saw it all all of it kinds of sickos you have in the united states are in Brevard county florida got sicker in this county and went out there in the united States real sick individuals I cant make sense out of it all im just tore up down there okay and i cant find my family at all over this old women in these cases using a name isnt hers of chidlren tired of backtracking them all inn her family the picutures of the children she hid in the attic a lot of them nowhere to be found at all dated `1965 all different i am not delusional i cannot find my parents my relatives never been to a picnic in my life I cant find them over it all id theft. One Christmas we all had in ditch by these hospitals by their id theft of cops one employee claims all murdered in the wooods her patients with the state of Florida were found in the woods donna flint at west Florida hospitals in milton verified this alll found after they called the hospital gave them t heier names and insurance information the hospital billed them they got paid to do nothing at all she doesnt know why circles of care too gary boyer murdered them all by the way a titusville cop but he did do this.
donna flint an at West Florida hospitals in milton Florida it is in the yellow pages she did not continue her conversation with my about her patients in the State of Florida she said she had a CE licensure 5 months of nurses aid school she did not continue her conversation with me she was fired on the job inside west Florida hospitals in milton Florida employees are rapists by the way they watched women and children have a bowel movement looking to see if their anus was loose okay molesting them. All corrections department did she said this is state wide I asked her about circles of care in Brevard county florida area she stated that she transferred and worked for the advertised hospital in the HMO I meant to ask her about the woods her patients in orange County Florida at Charter Hospitals also dead in the woods sheets tied around their insured parties neck by social workers and corrections police the bodies were doused with gasoline shot in the head and chest named richmond and lit on fire alive by the employees she believes in the hospitals in the state of Florida on the hot trail in punta gorda the patients of hers she tried to transfer the state treated me like their state employee not juvenile delinquents not children anymore with the HMO in any county sheriffs are not children anymore at HrS florida donna Flint claims she filled out a state of Florida application for employment was told to shut her mouth at the hospital about the social workers hrs employees working inside the building and sheriffs and cops and jail employees not to speak to anyone at all she was afraid in the HMO not an HMO not care "way its been always in Florida " the bodies were badly mangled suggesting violent homosexual repression acts to the children and insured parties at West Florida hospitals in milton florida comparable to circles of care and police who run this hospital in the yellow pages all would all did rape the insured party in orange county charter hospitals also in orlando Florida the lieing is state wide the deaths are statewide all licensed psychiatric hospitals in Florida in all counties state has done this she was told not to tell anyone we are social workers in the building at all that we are cops she will tell people we are doctors or get fired she was baker acted while on the job for speaking for trying to make calls detained inside the hospital by adult social workers and corrections officers and her children committed suicide would not shut up about the state of Florida not stop making calls to HRS to file abuse charges against the employees at all dont want to hear it she was now finding herself detained for up to 30 days and her medicaid was billed without her approval while she sat on meds now depakote she was afraid that the police were going to arrest her for telling on them all inside the facility that the isurance companies let the state file claims with the hospitals psychiatric license to treat not with individual licensure they wont do this dont have to they think no way to know who is employed inside any licensed psychiatric hospital in Florida wont tell anyone refuse to give out names of employees. donna Flint cannot write that if the gang of adults social workers employed by florida find her writing be worse for her forced her to take medication and took her wheelchair from her for telling on them all must be 350 corrections officers will rape you did me repeatedly sick and social workers answering the phone I am a doctor here I can assure you even the sheriffs office told people were doctors they are not doctors never were never going to be in attempting to transfer to another hospital Donna Flint claimed that all like this every single one is owned by HRS employees these are their hospitals believe this sheriffs own them police own them FBI works in the building not to tell anyone they were FBI agents at all. The children were found donna flint I was told by sheriffs to leave their state employee alone sexually assaulte d in the pee pee by police billions of times that they did this children were found all her patients who called the hospital ads a lot of them were found dead in the woods all of them the hospital fired donna flint think Im their patient believe they have patients the police do I asked her how they filed claims and she stated that she didnt answer that question interrogated function based on false accusations by police and quacks beatings murders taking children intot the woods patients in orange county florida winter park police department murdered anyone who called charter hospitals what could possible be good about florida at all how could they live battered them to death sexually for years forced suicides forced their own penis into the patients were arrested in handcuffs then bitched about what ugly dogs they were who would rape them employees did been like this donna flint claims it is state wide the lieing in all counties Im too ugly to rape or force their penis in this did occur she claims not just in milton florida but in all counties in Floriea I know its bad its sick she as a state employee not have to tell me im not been raped by cops steve smith city of melbourne police department he is the doctor for circles of care so did he in the woods this state employee donna flint if she was caught by sheriffs writing or the jail employees writing anything down she was hit by social workers not doctors if she was caught making statements to other patients inside west Florida hospitals their employees walked up to her she actually pointed you all out and stated see them that is not a doctor at all she is a social worker asshole they all called she said she is a doctor helathfirst hospitals this HMO too the bodies are on the hog trail the child patients at this hospital bodies fell apart from sexual assault circles of care city of palm bay police department also put the bodies int he woods they also picked up the phone and lied they are doctors also forced suicide want to see this shot children in the head in brevard county florida in the dumpster hrs assaulted me repeatedly im delusional i was treated far worse than your state employee its for money to get their freak on with children and their mothers. This county is suicide id theft for child molesters find yourselves in these hospitals by cops arresting you someone using your name its an arrest under arrest to commmit suicide cops employees with the state of Florida not psychiatric doctors stare you in the face say this at the corrections in miami florida hospitals imi way too fucking ugly to rape my children too ugly no one raped you old fucking whore comments by palm bay police departjent no one did fucking bitch gary boyer a titusvile cops sheriffs philliop Williams ugly old fucking whore need your slash your face up they did this im their patient used insurance information scarred for life like the other dead patients in the woods in all counties of florida.
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1 comment:
Re: statements and accusations made by My Life. This individual is blatantly posting lies and slandering innocent persons across the internet including this site, and has libeled family members, several individuals, healthcare facilities and providers, as well as law enforcement. This vicious libel must stop and has been reported to the proper authorities
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