This county of Brevard county florida sheriffs office I found out that my son died he was missing no child is missing in this county a lot of children found dead by their county employees state employees have been abducting children and murdering them since day one. My child was found on Malabar Rd. in palm bay Florida he was and had been shot in the head and thrown into a ditch. One mile west of malabar Rd. in palm bay Florida he was found the FBI agency went out to the ditch why didnt you call his parents one time. Wasnt that help he needed from the county of brevard and HRS agency felt he needed some help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!My sons anus was torn bthe way he hads been severely beaten and battered in the genitals HRS employees michelle serrano DCF employee titusville florida a doctor she says in the HMO with Humana Gold Classic, humana one, aetna and Travelers and medicare mediaid Florida Kid care is another insurance companies and shes a doctor shes sure and Gary Boyer city of titusville police officer badge is 721 is a doctor at this circles of care and sheriff phillip Williams is a doctor your a fucking doctor these have been your sick in the head comments since you have been a sheriff here in the brevard county area they did helen scrivener DCF titusville florida she is a doctor what she said in the building when anyone calls these ads and no one called the circles of care named kimberly richmond no on set up any appointment for my children at the facility my children I am was their mother. I did not make any calls to circles of care quacks or pedophiles at this address with any insurance card ever at all believe it or not this county has assaulted me repeatedly since 1963 I have had to go to the emeregency room over the assaults assaulting me now billed my insurance company for assaults by these doctors they are assaulting me now constantly i did not make any calls to circles of care set up any appointments for myself or my child 11 year old he was picked up by circles of care employees in the advertisement their names are not included in the ads at all they refused to tell me who they were what their names were their licensure information dead serious been murdering children and families nothing new no one called them no one out there to mess with other peoples children called HRS to decided if my child had a mental problem If i felt he had a mental problem I would call cirlces of care cannot police agency cannot baker acted children without their parental consent the HRS agency and city of melbourne police department did was handcuffed my child only 5 years old drove him to circles of care in the child wing of a family counselling center hrs employees and police agency detained my child naked while you held a gun to his head with all the dead children for somoene out there again Clarence bunce molested my son and me for year sin Florida as my uncle you are not my uncle old whore your daugher is this old whore susan bunce is not my cousin not his child a lot of chilren weree found dead he did this. hRS restrained the parents from their children for his family so that he could get off however crazies did this in Brevard County, Florida keep doing this in your family smiling about it keep showing up where I live at the address your just not on any background check as any relative of my child was delusional hallucinating he was schizophrenic I didnt tell melbourne police department to look at my child at all his anus how tight it was your cops to look at it hrs either your employees to look at my childs anus or mine in palm bay police department is the doctors cant baker act my child from the home to get off they did handcuffed my child pulled his pants down and another so c alled doctors and I can more than write this down Warren Briggs with these adults not arrested dont get sued get killed with a bat what people do to child molesters like Warren Briggs and Gary Boyer and HrS michelle Serrano and clarence bunce you get beaten with abat blow up shuttles over texas with child molesters in the ship see this a lot of them not funny at health first hospitals this is their circles of care your counselling center for your employees run this it is in ads as a covered in an HMO this is what you think for a long time wanda studstill her too with a bat no one sits around and types blow the child molesters up and child molesters in new york in twin towers not my child molesters and I dont care about yours.
This HMO is dead serious you need to find an attorney to file a lawsuit against circles of care and the melbourne police department steve smith 238 for the death of your child were the police you call whom national security agency is that right is it where are they? Where is national security do they have a headquarters anywhere your a child molester he is one adult who is involved with my childs death in 1993 he is a police officer in the HMO who chose not to include his name and his department as someone who expected asshole fag child molester who expected payment for my sons death this is treatment by his agency somehow and titusville police department your national security is where what is the address of your boss in this agency ? See what they do to child molesters like steve smith his agency when you murder children in Florida see what they all do to you ? Pitiful you are a despicable adult for a police officer a faggot with little boys most despicable individual one of them for a police officer not in the right field at all just not a decent individual piece of shit with a mental problem with children arent yourrs a fag a whore your whole famliy is awhore whole family child molesters killed themselvees fucking liar to boot your name is not steve smith by the way hes this too old whore ass child molester see what people do to child molesters at national molesters did you see it?
this cop is not in ads either your going to be part of the HMO and your going to be the transport people in a police car they need to know this in the advertisements your part of an HMO
also need to know the policies are no good even though they sell them so do insurance companies need to know that steve smith 238 city of melbourne police officer piece of loathesome shit needs his head blown off what I think about you and your genitals gone i really dont like you I hate you what you represent your a fucking child molester who handcuffed my child and drove my child like a sick adult pervert with little boys to circles of care your a fag with little boys didnt put this in the ad you didnt submit this to the insurance companies so that they could send the ad to us we would know you pieces of fucking shit police were in any insurance policy we would pay for so that we wouldt buy it the piece of shit continues to be do you police understand this people go to work every day my parents went to work you as a police officer do not get this you do not fucking work a day in your life. piece of lazy shit cop all you are all are lazy unfit piece of shit need a bat up side your head and your butthole over children my family so do the families that this piece of shit did this for guess CAitlin REam is an old whore age 17 years old the child was 12 year old boy not her child either. Which child molesting cop thinks you can blow a childs head off is crazy for one thing whose parents flew through the Pentagon with a plane over their childs head .
When you get rehab as cops you think you are why isnt your name in the advertisements your child molesters this is why angela ream attacked families she had a pedophile im her home she was there this crazy pedophile with children not special roger darrell Ream in her home screwing 3 children for a long time she watched this in the home what this make her a sick faggot is what mother in Palm bay Florida so are her children like steve smith of the city of melbourne police department think you look good her children are fucking perverts like her father near others kids not in a mental institutiosn looks for men to bang them like steve smith of the city of melbourne police department stop bothering people in the brevard county area in your sick agency why cant you stop in the Dick family the plane is for them why cant you stop make themselves look like a victim their agency your not victims the police agency joanna hanson not one old fucking faggot child molester wont be calling the cops with this name kimberly Richmond no one that you know old faggot child molester in melbourne got out of parole in your family over it all. No one will or would have paid harris we didnt or pan american or the VA one cent if police were running insurance do you understand this or sheriffs or HRS was in any HMO plan we had to pay premiums at the VA or pan american to the police for mental health care if your name was in the ad at all no one would buy the plan and the insurance company would laugh but your agency fbi and HRS you too and corrections department is infested in health in these family counselling centers copss are lieing refuse to admit you are in health hrs refusing to admit that you do work your quacks filling out bills have stolen licenseure from doctors been using these stolen psychiatric licenses collecting with the cops in florida 445 billion Dollars were all dead not quality care and it does matter that in one facility took 67 billion dollars was donated by an private organization to circles of care represented yourself as doctors they lied no doctors didnt get the money police did for to stop suicide the other stop child abuse various funds from pan american gave doctors this they thought a fired employee admitted 345 people she worked with lied all 345 of them are liars she admitted it and was fired they lied were not doctors at all in west Florida hospitals in milton, Florida studstill your not the only child molesters employed at pan american world airways not special like you think you are. these cops and child molesters are in the plan 50 billion cops per person in these hMO and hrs lied capitol knows there are cops have to put your names in the ad they refused for over 50 years we paid premiums and my son is found shot in the head over what liars pieces of shit you are at HRSR your lieing your not doctors so would i put on a lieing ass show for 50 billion dollars was donated to doctors not to HRS and police and brent Zellers who shot a child in the head who works for circles of care a family counselling center sheriffs phillip Williams and his wife not doctors child molesters he took the funds not donated to the sheriffs deparment those funds were donated they thought to doctors every single year for depression your not doctors a lot of private businesses and I donated money give it back all of it why cant you give it back you will if I hit you with a bat all of you with a bat to your head and boyer family the buttocks youll have no choice but to give the donations back. Trillions of dollars they collected for childhood cancers and for mental health not doctors went for to snort cocaine to cops and child molesters and to HRS employees not doctors and to sheriffs williams family he sticks his penis in kids no condom nasty and medically not necessary understand to give it back the funds back.
They lied because of the money they would get from the funding lied they were psychiatrists and had been to college before not that difficult anyway to be one it retard could be one a pscychologist is not the same thing any retard could be one any stupid old whore child molester can be one cant add or be a finanace major worthwhile only worthwhile thing . Any retarded child molester like angela ream her mrs. potts in palm bay florida any retard could be one a psychologist how hard is that in life to accomplish those two careers how difficult and like magen potts the child molester her too. they all thought we were donating to doctors to stop children from being dead or suicide to cure depression no one did in Florida all lieing. about who they are for the money. Travelers is not medicare.
I saw warren Briggs snort the funds away the donations to circles of care in the state of Florida he bought cocaine with these funds to stop chldhood cancer that were donated he snorted cocaine it bought coke for his nose just like Florida not just him with the depression funds and donations to florida snorting cocaine with the donations.
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1 comment:
Re: statements and accusations made by My Life. This individual is blatantly posting lies and slandering innocent persons across the internet including this site, and has libeled family members, several individuals, healthcare facilities and providers, as well as law enforcement. This vicious libel must stop and has been reported to the proper authorities
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