in florida circles of care part 2 of the hmo they think brent Zellers and kimberly Richmond and kermit richmond their patients you think 265671819 her social security number her sibling is kermit richmond 100 billion police have arrest warrants on this background check sure do not just in the brevard county, Florida area it is in new mexico have warrants for his arrest 120 billion police officers have arrest warrants on his file he has been arrested by the state of New york over 100 counties sheriffs police are looking for him with warrants for his arrest sure are date on the file is 1970 he was 6 years old kimberly Richmond renee middle initial this is their patient at circles of care baker act onher file schizophrenia wife of keith alan valenca now do you see this this women was never married to keith alan valenca his file his wife are on another file in federal computers his wife was kimberly rene Valenca married in january of 1980 in brevard county clerk of court he would have michelle cornish beverly cornish nicole cornish richard cornish do i need to know this no his wife either by the way he would have lennie carr carol dick james dick a cousin of kimberly richmond no its valenca is her name since 1980 be no kristina or shaun we dont know a mess and richard valenca in charlotte north carolina and debra his wife had acurrent department of motor vehicles address since 1981 tom hanson shannon hanson her niece do you see this at all manuel valenca in clearwater florida do you see this nicole cornish her employers would be wal mart in homosassa Springs florida do you see this as cops sure dont see it in new york or new hampshire or in california or dc stated to her california she is a lazy mother fucker what they called her mother at the hospital brent Zellers circles of care this is his patient teresa parnell in winter park florida do you see that this is a keith alan valencas wife at the winter park florida police department where is this at the FBI in melbourne and tampa do you see this on the file? do you see gary carr, Sr is her uncle and uncle clarence bunce a child molester who is living in a kermit richmonds home walking into a melbourne police department today stating he is the uncle of this women kimbelry richmond he is uncle clarence bunce he tells steve smith 238 melbourne police officer this is her uncle and susan bunce is her cousin she is alive today and ms. parnell is alive today and she is not keith alan valencas wife not me at all this is not who I am do you see these relatives on the file does the orange county sheriffs office do you see ms. parnell in winter park florida do you not see this is not your patient kimberly valenca was not married to your complaintant constantly keith alan valenca not his wife i am not his wife my name is also kimberly richmond this is not my brother at all by the way.
When police in new york william dickenson do you see this national security employee in DC do you see them jay dickenson on the file his cousin or an aunt cecilia dickenson in titusville florida do you see her dead on this file. Saying they are alive and are her husband and that kermit richmond is their brother in law they are most certainly alive today right now ass a matter of fact real alive living all his and her aunts and uncles are allive nicole cornish is her niece must have seen her name her mothers name all this time sure had to see this thats whose making all these police calls kathy dancy maiden name father in indialantic florida have to see her on this file the cops she called belinda june carr have to see her too she lives in west Virginia she told police these are her cousins she would she is alive right now in rainelle west Virginia you cant be allthese cops are on this file hospital did this they saw them all on this file these are not their relatives im afraid but they are stating these are their family but they are stating this right now no one is alive on this file okay not one relative living at all.
This county claims this kermit richmond walked into a courthouse and baker acted his sister in 1992 this is not possible look at the file he is in jail in al l50 states that lennie millicent dancy is his grandmother is alive calling police stating this Im his grandmother she couldnt be his grandmother at all police arrested him aunt evelyn in south carolina this is not her fin nephew at all child molesters nephew she says she is his aunt how is this and this women is her niece right now she is her niece this is not kimberly Valenca this is their relative of all of theirs this is her name when the cops entered this file her name was changed to kimbelry rene Valenca on january 1980 was the year it changed sure did in federal computers she contacted social security admin told them too that it did. her not husband is alive and calling police and hrs with this social is alive now stating things now. cheryl ann carr whalen is her cousin been her cousin you think her coousin is on this file police saw this mary nevey her too these two siblings arent walking talking anywhere if you see all the arrests over this high school chum she thinks these siblings are it only kimbelry and kermit siblings here it is upsetting i have not seen my father mother or brother since kmart in 1970 is how long ago i have not seen any of them. Whose file is this she is not alive why the cops continued for john dick and carmen palacios is her cousin this is not her cousin police arrests their calls go on this file ryan dick addie dick is not her cousin the hospital did this to this is their patient a patient of circles of care and west florida hospitals not your patient shes delusional and hallucinating about the above too using this name and social nowhere near any of these dead people not her relatives at all.
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Re: statements and accusations made by My Life. This individual is blatantly posting lies and slandering innocent persons across the internet including this site, and has libeled family members, several individuals, healthcare facilities and providers, as well as law enforcement. This vicious libel must stop and has been reported to the proper authorities
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