In Brevard county, Florida again in 1993 a kimberly Richmond identified as who keith alan valencas wife married in january of 1980 already national security threat to her husband keith alan valenca their patient in the city of Cocoa the poor women she was already attacked by brent Zellers an employee there who works with the police agency a realeased convicted child molester employed with HRS employees who yet identity thieves baker acted to circles of care by city of melbourne police officer 238 battered her to death threat to national security agency lennie millicent dancy carrs granddaughter doesnt want the bitch writing debra ward she was identified as her relative by marriage that knows nothing about early childhood development she wanted to see her jack off her thing masturbate in front of the sheriffs over her life to learn how to use her clitoris she raped her with sheriffs and hrs employees. Shed been identified by lennie millicent dancy carr as someone who was a paranoid schizophrenia by the melbouren police department steve smith 238 in cocoa at 138 olive street in florida brevard county, Florida she was also identified raped by sheriffs national security agency an officer read a mental health order with the name kimbelry richmond decided she was a schizophrenic rapedher down there in the crotch to leave kermit richmond alone this was her brothetr one assault after the other by this adult kermit richmnodn and sheriffs and her grandmother lennie millicent dancy carr her grandmother these were accusations made to sheriffs office she hangs sheets up on mirrors by a child molester lennie millicent dancy carr sheriffs raped her national securtiy agency the sheriffs wanted her to learn to use her genitilia while he watched his patient schizophrenic patient of hrs and one assault after the other by the old women in the home slander a lot of it she thinks people in the mirrors in not her home wassnt her home she stole a car from her grandmothers home one rape assault after the other by this old women and her relatives dreama Davis also stalked her down one women in a nursing home their patient dreama davis wanted to see her use her clitoris for her peeped with national security agency her patient the elderly women for the police wasnt using her genitals in the home police did want to see her learn to use them to stay away from these relatives not her relatives patrick dick she needed to leaern to use it for this child lennie Carrs grandson great grandson his mother was using this name the elderly women I dont have her name at lll but the police assaulted her talked to her their patient at thte national security agency about writing be no writing to use her clitoris use it her clitoris these citizens in this county child molesters in 1992 been doing this public peformance thing the cops were never arrested the cops splashed her face up frustrated when she woudl not masturbate contacting her insurance company these families and national security sheriffs circles of care billed the insurance company medicare not all medicare phillip Williams became frustrated with her cllitoris non responsive his schizophrenic patient with mental illness this cop seared off her arms and her legs she woulldnt masturbate for their families their agency prompted the schizophrenic seared her brain cops did not doctors them too brain dead laying on her back in a nursing home these families wanted her to stay away from them during intercourse with her children small children at their addresses and the law enforcement agency seared attacked her and billed medicare this is the us governement not all of them aetna she was assaulted by harris corporation employees the sheriffs cops splashed her face up she could not longer masturbatre for hrs employees and the community told her family she thinks stuff in her home care less what her family wants at all these child molesters she had children not old old old kellly donald had children not the only child incestual famiy did this to the insured partyu cops watched her laying in the nursing home this schizopphrenic kept sexually assaulting her in the clitoris and the pee pee and shoving devices up her anus and her vagina for belinda june carr really hot for her children she is related to cheryl whalen carr the cops told her to stop molesting us down there she wouldlnt masturbate so that the cops could tell everyone public that she jacked off cops could put her inprison for kellyl donald and her husband over her grandmothers heartattack and her mother carol dick and her brother john Dick was filing complaints national security agency with police agency all child molesters the elderly patient layed in the nursing home for over 4 months on her back brain dead these families wanted her to stay away from them i could see she was not near you on her back in the nursing home calls to the police agency and hrs was feeling her up for these families during the sexiual intercourse with her children in the state by these families holding her down while her childrne were being molested then murdered they did bill circles of care did bill her insuranc company amy dick is another 55 year old adult who also broke into the elderly womens home amy dick pedophile has no children not her relatives to force to masturbate didnt kill your grandmother either clarence bunce also for this citizen penetration of the elderly women named richmond. Veseley also at the patrick air force base she wouldl not kill herself during under arrest by the police agency was sexually assaulting her in the nursing home tearing her face off watching videotaped the women and they watched their schizophrenic patient for suicide inside the nursing home and forced masturbation while they showed her videotapes of her children with various men being raped and murdered circles of care keeping her clitoris busy wanted a public performance of masturbation she wouldnt do it at all in the nursing home for the police agency or hrs employees over their life to correct her what she did to them they all think. her arms were removed not her family what the comments were know they arent related uncle clarence bunce out there raping children her family this is what they thought she got to do while this was going on she had no legs and no arms at all. The community was penetrating her in the vagina wanted to see her take objects in thte dick family cops wouildnt prosecute doing this for them by the way. hRS kept biling medicare so did sherifff phillip williams bill medicare he showed her videoclips of him pulling her childs pants down but he did while she layed in a nursing home on her back of him sticking his penis in her child he sure did a sheriffs off the county of brevard named phillip Williams too bad really too bad judge said the police said mary nevey wanted a public performance of masturbation cops dared her over mary nevey claiming your brother raped her police did splashed the patients schizophrenic in the nursing home her face was splashed up while the cops watched her not masturbate she would not do this for 1000 people in this community who live here complaintant they had police complaintst and reports they think crazy reports about sheets from the insane child molesters not want her near her children while they were having sex with her kids but the cops did splashed it up for these families they think in the community she was molesting them all a lot of them cops did do this. HRS did this to their schizophrenic patient she did not understand the dick family to masturbate cops did I saw this cops yelling and screaming at richmonds random selection raping little kids named richmond shoving metal rods up their anus richmond inthe white pages I sure did see hrs do a lot too susie Wickel do things this is what. These video tapes of himself ripping up a childs anus but he did for the dick family he does nothing unless these people need his help throw him ass is about it never them call a child molester phillip Williams.
This dick family not related at all but they keep pulling up to the address all my life blow my head off been trying to blow my head off we lived on garner avenue in eau Gallie florida all pulled up then my mother cant handle her were their comments at first their family i dont know their mother or their grandmother in indialantic neither do they know the owner of the house in indialantic florida she one of them dick pulled up with her son children at the address in these white pages her grandmother lewd thing all are care less about the mother or anyones rights at all ever at all or their property. She did pull up she had stated that I was her cousin at one time she continued to state this that kimberly Richmond is her cousin hrs knows this based on hearsay Im her cousin in legal documents old stuff from chidlhood or something has nothing to do with an adult life what someone says not legal what they say dont make things up for this long with a name in accusations or legal documents without the person there their family did this all the time not who they are kimberly richmond not who they are at all dont treat a cousin like this no one does a granddaughter or anyone family member like this said this to obtain a child for sexual freak on or something at one time said it a lot is all.
In cocoa this kimberly richmond had this baby and she had 2 other children she was also identified as kimberly Valenca a keith alan valencas wife beverly cornish her sister in law as the women above she needed her legs chopped off phillip Williams again the sheriff of the county mighty sick women peeping pervert tom what he is .
one of these kimberlies she did state she was killing herself she told her brother she was going to slash her wrists with razors she told her brother this not me must have been a child in our family in the phone book named after older kimberly richmond Im old a child named kimberly richmond his sister and he had to be a child of another kermit richmond none of us are left the county murdered everyone in the phone book. I didnt tell my brother this at all i havent seen my brother or my father or never me my grandparents over all this veseley this sicko here williams no ones seen my family at all sure decent people never met im sure.
this kermit richmond did wrote this down about his sister she was having conversations about killing herself not that she would die but using razor blades on herself. This is not me at all. He wrote this down but tony veseley kept going and lennie carr with her people the sheets in her home and the people in her mirrors this kimberly richmond died too of sexual assault and battery this went on forever long after her death this family didnt notice she died. Really didnt notice or care immediately jumped another kimbelry Richmond in the community right away with sheriffs she had an unusual nose on her face thick bone on her face. blue eyes not me either.
This kermit richmond wrote this down I look nothing like this women other kimberly Richmonds at all . She was baker acted anyway picked up by sheriffs office kimberly Richmond and is taken to circles of care raped right away her head was blowed off by these psychopaths right away old women lennie millicent dancy carr had her picked up usually she puts children in a ditch after molestation shes done this time called the sheriffs took care of the problem .
At the family counselling center has problems with this for a long long time hearing about any complaints from anyone at all they had an advertisement in the yellow pages the sheriff of brevard county runs this place fraud ads of circles of care she was an old whore kimberly richmond hes a child molester and a crazy pedophile running a family counselling center he has more ads than zest police as famous as john kennedys police agency he established known asa assholes here by the way. Infamous like jesus christ this name . this is how many ads this rapist of children he has of circles of care he has a mental problem but he does. fag problem here as a sheriff with all these ads you have on the web representing yourselves as a family counselling center for children. Not one your sheriffs havent proven this yet these pedophiles are crazy not having sex with children not all he did murdered everyone the ads luring children to the facility he has been murdering parents old whores need to go own how he pronounces it to go own constantly that I m this old whore needs to go own. all the time this child molesting sheriff kept me up all night all day sexually assaulting me for ove r15 years he has an ad in the yellow pages on the web its here on the web mighty sick individual gary boyer works with him a cop titusville florida this sheriffs pulled his pants down on a mothers child andrea sure her mother is kimbelry Richmond he got this name via the ads used it ripped her anus up with his penis the sheriffs office phillip williams what the ad did yellow pages his ads are also in major corporations he started having a problems with me personally one attack after the other how I look slashing my face up daring me to move threatening me to blow my head off this is daily assaults not the father of the children anyone had not the father at all real problem murderes parents upset little kids by the way all the time.
what i cant believe is that cops here and this sheriffs mighty sick individual here in the united States by the way not myfather either sick bitch as sheriff mighty sick needs shut your mouth put his name in all these ads he published this circles of care here it is for children to look at the child now states in her diary shes looking for someone to bang her he takes off with kids murders the parents no reason to move to Florida if your military dont come here at all dont bring your children to florida dont buy a house if your a pedophile get a lot of children you will it will work for your family if your incestual and the FBI wont question you about taking quadruplets from hospitals they wont ever you can murder the mothers easy and you can take them the FBI will not stop you at all. Taking them too circles of care is taking them too their home the qauds and triplets nepophiles
circles of care employees raped someone right away second they entered the bullding had their pants down and raped them in a bout a second ripped their head off robbed them not recommended at all
anyway kermit richmonds sister was suicidal kimberlyl Richmond this is not me at all she told her brother she is killing herself with razor blades shes cutting her wrists open he didnt know about the county he wrote this down and he gave this again to the sandra crawford clerk of courts office he handed this to sheriff phillip Williams again the rapist who pulls his pants down and rips children up in the butt pervert. He thinks police are this nice agency fights crime not here this is not the kinds of police agency and hrs that fights crime entire families are pedophiles anyway all families who are incestual cant stay away from other people all this says and I can write this down stupid little fraud ad it is not your private business as sheriffs molesting kids robbing banks shooting little kids in the head not the kinds of police you think in this county of Brevard not what you think none of them first perception would give you police fight crime this is incorrect have to check stuff out.
this sick sheriff you have in brevard county florida he has been find later boasting about it pulling his pants down on a child he named himself not my child kimbelry Richmonds child he came into contact with kimberly Ricchmond what for? Circles of care the baker act he comes into contact with others mental health why is this at circles of care kermit richmonds sister did took razor blades and she slit her wrists this is not the kinds of sheriffs to give any mental health order too he read all of them in titusville, Florida is where his offices are not the kinds of people to call who called using this name kimberly richmond she committed suicide his sister I dont think what he wanted her to do I am not his sister but his family is like this possibly sure they did inflict distress forced her to slash them wanted to see her do this over their grandmother want everyone too child molesters want it to be suicide after this mental health order sheriffs office read these and gary Boyer another child moleser 721 titusville police department parents fazmilies should not have to argue be for their life over you child molesters as a sheriff you do not need to be bending over naked in a sheriffs uniform he dont care I dont want my child to turn you on where did you get this name from kimberly richmond who from another child molester Gary boyer dont care in titusville Florida cop him too works with williams 721 one kimberly richmond I dont want my child turn you on do you understand this where did you get my name in titusville florida i dont live here at all never at all i dont sleep over this gary boyer either this bitch got upset because I put out a piece of rotten beef when he showed at kimberly richmonds address again he did rapist rapes men and little boys and I had to put up with this fat hog some fag hog who rapes boys and he does hes a cop he stuffed a piece of rotten beef up into my childs diaper and threw her into the ocean he drove to the ocean like a crazy bitch after sticking his penis in my toddler he did bitch has this name kimberly Richmond hes getting complaintst on people who dont live in titusville florida know they dont your a child molester and your town is small no children there want to bet not one child there none in melbourne killing them in melbourne murdering children in other towns your a child molester this is what he did then took this name making comments public exhibitionist about how that bitch stunk she wont be sticking a piece of rotten beef out anymore for me to smell it was rottena nd did smell it belonged in his mouth hrs helen scrivener was an asshole too hrs employee just an asshole sick child molester with him gary Boyer city of titusville florida police department kimberlly richmond he got a mental health order she was going to slash her wrists inside a circles of care a family counselling center it isnt he works here he raped children he raped little boys he madee them have sex with animals his brother is in prison asshole murdered little kids he got this mental health order on kimbelry Richmond she was slitting her wrists with razor blades she did anyway he is part of florida has their own things issues going on here.
Gary boyer is a child molester violent homosexual too your crazy by the way a threat to others in the community he and warren Briggs unfit for human consumption this ones going to blow my head off blow my head off blow my head off i hear this every day of my life about my head this is not kermit richmonds sister at all. His mouth with kimberly richmond he has a daughter not a counsellor by the way your a child molester in the united States the toddler can swim your an asshole with an ad these are his ads by the way. he and warren Briggs tore a childs head off after forcing intercourse with the child floridas mental health these facilities are not borrowed money for these circles of care not for cops to work in and HRS for psychiatrists are suppposed to be there these child molesters lied at hrs too we are doctors for over 35 years he worked here not a doctors your child molesters heran children over garner avenue in 1967 didnt do smears because he raped the children himself beat them to death like a retard I dont know him has this name kimbelry Richmond this was his patient hes using this a child molester your are a very sick person boyer your family is very very sick bythe way. He did more his HRS partners in crime this bitch sick child rapist and you are touched the parents too pregnant he slashed me up in the vagina in the stomach in the chin in the face youve just been molesting me alll your life i livedin melbourne florida someething wrong with him. Deep seeded wrong you think i have schizophrenia bitch is slandering someien staring in here with brent Zellers another child molester not a counselling center this iss the bitch running little kids over in the road and it took 39=years never introduced himself he scarred my face in age 5 he kept going he scarred my stomach again scars all over my stomach titusville florida cop your a sick individual loose in florida on thet hog trail he dumped children here in punta gorda florida I found this on this old computer it is used rosa Braggs she downloaded some sick stuff this is where gary boyer a cop dumped bodies delusion dreama davis for her and clarence bunce it was for him this is his family susan bunce is his cousin homosexuals with children he did murdered children in palm bay florida he sure did city of palm bay police department did nothing about him breaking into homes hes their counsellor a child molester dominate this county and state infestation of them child nancy bernyk your a child molester in west Melbourne she has sex with children stuff for her to do and say she thinks blowing heads off of the sister of the child she does this crazy people who live here infestation of their families in the area place is infested with people who snatch children and sexually assaulted them and murder them with the state of Florida their employees a lot of them.
this cop in titusville florida he took videos of a police officer in Florida i dont know he was holding a gun to the cops head the cop was in handcuffs in a cop uniform he thinks this is my family members by the way. Warren Briggs got naked in front of the cop gary boyer city of titusville police officer 721 badge number warren Briggs is black male adult videotape of warren Briggs forcefully raping a cop in the genitals at gunpoint yelling and screaming at the cop placed in handcuffs for this while "your a child molester now a homosexual now boy"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!you better be coming up with some cash boyQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I dont need to see this have this cop tell me blow my head off okay. him in my environment are you trying to treat people for schizophrenia this cop at circles of care i dont want him to do this warren BRiggs is black and he usually does rip heads off the victims but he does.
this cop has been trying to force treatment for paranoid schizophrenia i dont want you to do thsi 16 long years of this quack treatment I think the cop raped me and i think you did numerous times and dates not a relationship i dont think you did rape me forcefully over the last 16 years i had no name or address he never introduced himself at all. he has attacked me in the genitals for over 16 years more than once in the anus and vagina demanded that my treatment is you think this no on thinks you did do this to my genitals he cant stop either.
this cop in titusville florida broke into an address that i lived at grabbed me by the head in melbourne florida gary boyer 721 titusville police officer and hrs virtual systems their cops stating were doctors at the address he is in titusville this is some sort of schizophrenic care there are all kindsof videos using my head for over 16 more years when you opened the circles of care burgulary by cops with the shit virtual systems tracked me around the cops did one after the other stuff not in my memory im an adult now i feel this virtual systems penetration all my life the cops calling this schizophrenia in the genitals penetration over your citizens video tapes of children and this cop not in my memory I was not there not your cops; head the states property at all no one did this to carr family or this cop running a family counselling center he got violent this is not in my memory sheriffs office none of these videotapes are in my head the county did this their county broke into our home grabbed me by the head child molsters at circles of care videotaped me for over 40 years and you watched to see my reaction cops raped me under arrest in the home where my parents lived for public peformanced cops in a family counselling center did this doing this now not my memory of cops raping that work inside circles of care not in my head molesting me as a child not a child not anymore I dont want the county hrs treating me for a mental illness these scars on my stomach not schizophrenia they billed our insurance company for the slits and stiches all over my face he keeps staring though right at my face forced penetrated my head with videos been penetrating at hrs for over 40 years their state employees burgularized our property staring long time to do this no one called circles of care this shit is not in my memory at all with cops at university of central Florida of the students of cops murdering the students who attended the university videotapes of crimes by cops to the valenca family whom i dont know out in the woods the victims were videotaped by circles of care i was not there i was not in the woods being raped by cops at all i did not see this none of it I do not remember this and i feel the cops hrs hitting me iwth the virtual shit all my life i have scars tell children this at hrs you cantell them this schizophrenia and cops and hrs can cum to the parents house sntach the little kids this virtual products assaulting the children in the head and penetrated me all my life for adults in the community circles of care calls this peeping at hrs was disease appendicitis no it is not appendicitis at all the scars are not appendicitis child molesters with an ad circles of care.
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1 comment:
Re: statements and accusations made by My Life. This individual is blatantly posting lies and slandering innocent persons across the internet including this site, and has libeled family members, several individuals, healthcare facilities and providers, as well as law enforcement. This vicious libel must stop and has been reported to the proper authorities
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