Friday, February 2, 2007

Florida health insurance coverage your coverage the recent killer tornado today in lake county florida

Brent Zellers The new world order the 666 occult the mark of the beast in Brevard county melbourne florida a nurse a child molester prison history but he is one. He is the member of an occult The new world order the mark of the beast
Gary Boyer never introduced himself city of titusville police officer at all badge 721 to any of the families at all. upset anyone had this name kermit at all or kimberly at all or shaun or shawn at all occult of violent child sexual molesters and rapists.

Tony Veseley patrick air force base florida member of the occult. Joanna Schutz hanson, frank morrell, nancy bernyk, steve bernyk, lennie dancy carr, gary carr, cheryl carr whalen, cecilia ann carr, jay dickenson, john dick, Groves terry lincoln avenue and joseph her brother, in melbourne florida

There are more members all black men adult black males this occult part of them but go on their own with children named kermit and kimberly and Shawn all of them in the ocean chop or sever legs off and shark bate in this occult fed to sharks in the ocean. On their medication the occult separates the children from their parents baker act without their parents detain the children prior to feeding the sharks in the atlantic ocean.

Their occult snatched children named kermit only and kimberly and Shaun and Shawn plans are to murder them going to be suicides ID theft in federal computers. This occult is the childrens and the families relatives in court cases did this too. They are all cousins of the children and aunts uncles children never meet their families never met them their mothers this occult replaced them. thes e are their wives all married to them uncles and aunts all of them named kimberly Richmond any kimberly or kermit murdered by this occult keep doing this in melbourne florida a cop approached them all about wishing someone would kill them going to wish someone would kill them going to beg others to kill them these women and their children named kimberly Steve Smith melbourne police department 238 kimberly Richmonds and their children going to wish someone would kill them families are going to be begging someone wish someone would kill them pervert he got lewd and lacivious with their families pee pee.

this occult in the united States wanted to watch children named kermit having homosexual acts in State prisons ugly family the richmonds were forced into state prisons while occult watched them pornographed them demanded they beg for their life wanted to see richmonds beg for their life and bark like a dog beg corrections not to rape them in the anus again this occult what they do in the cornish family all of them been doing this to richmond family were all related to each other kermits are related all sure in this occult kimberly richmonds are related to each other in this occult.This occult expected to watch richmonds sexually assaulted them penetrated them in the anus and in the genitals wanted to see public performances from the Richmond family of kermit anyone named this and kimberly anyone named this at the FBI agency wanted to see males even boys children bark like a dog in tampa Florida watched and videotaped rapes violent rapes by this occult in Florida and north CArolina and in colorado and various counties throughout the decades run by Brent Zellers and gary boyer lennie millicent dancy carr and tony veseley also suicides the richmond smith johnson wiliiams kermit all named this handcuffed to prison beds naked in solitary confinement cells all over the state of Florida in kentucky and what for all their relatives molesting them during this children during this think being raped during all this mary nevey she is another member and barney willis another member prison release in maryland prison release. he resides in orlando florida . 40 years to completed the fammily from connecticut from danbury area what do they look like up there in Danbury the valencas all 12 of them look like prior to their death on a farm in danbury connecticut.

This killer tornado that hit the lake county subdivision Im watching Florida wackos go in action still with their poor families but I am still going the lunatics and psychopaths called the state of Florida this huge storm I mean its this cyclone above a 5 gone bad but it was it tried to fall apart so the weather people tell Florida bad stuff is coming state employees are informed here it comes your way its on the News its on its way to lake County Florida they dont do anything at all but they dont over child molesters from rainelle in Brevard county from everywhere still wont remove the families to safety dont go around with megaphones removing the families hate families in Florida they wont do it. big storm its gigantic and long short though now theres a fog beginning to drift into the area at night its cool thank you god. I just cannot believe it on the news hours go by here comes a state report on the TV finding more dead bodies of children find 3 triplets dead state spokesperson for child molesters says this infiltrated army of crazy flipped out child molesters and murderers in Florida packs of them grew pedophiles mass produced in this county in the united States.

Say that now that the family lost their triplets they died in the tornado going over 150 miles per hour headed for the lake county florida area is this really how they died the children and their parents just another family crazy stuff too here how they died. child molesters say stuff Im not in Lake county, Im in Brevard cant drive there little kids pictured in the front yard of a trailer with a Uhaul hoping to find my family one day from deaths missing in hurricanes or child molesters and the police agency murdered them which one one or the other two types of tragedies here. That the clouds are still over the area a child molesters in this county opportune moment the clouds are causing a fog a lot of them. The news reports mention now that the mayor and the social workers who are hated after death sure are how much evil hit the area you think and these social workers are going to offer mental help now with the state of Florida the police agency is going to offer help now still people in the state fairgrounds is it run by the state of Florida not the children and their parents citizens state people are child molesters is what they all are we found here in Brevard county, Florida but they are now gonna offer the families the citizens mental help and offer food and homeless shelter the state forget the mayor about him not hired at all its a public voted position wont matter what he does or says in this town. I went to this family counselling center ad in this county and lake county has the same employees in lake county social workers are going to offer their version of mental help its been a serious calamity so far the state has been in brevard county florida with their mental help people committed suicide from sexual offenders employed in state positions at hrs and police agency never any doctors at all its social workers.

Now their offering help to the lake county residents in florida children were picking up debris in the yards near the trailer and the UHAUL

In past this county is daring me to write at all I looked up Kimberly Richmond on the death index this old women who I find out of nowhere Rainelle and more about Rainelle more about it I hear about Rainelle West Virginia every day of my life for over 16 years been longer she was from Rainelle West Virginia grandeos about being from here its every day her relatives pulled up daily with friends of theirs into the driveway of homes named hearn and richmond make comments your being Baker Acted !!!!!!!!!!!!Were baker acting you over our grandmother shes wanted for molesting our grandmother she is crazy she hung sheets up over her mirrors in the home she took white sheets and she covered up her mirrors in the home she hung white her white sheets that she grabbed and she covered the mirrors in her home and the TV she gave me a heartattack the police confronted me in the home by breaking into the home that I with my children lived in I am under arrest for this act in the home to this old women from rainelle West Virginia Kelly Donald also drove up to the address and want to know what I was doing in her home to the cops sexually assalted me in the groin watched me in the home ms. richmond your under arrest your under arrest better leave that old women alone leave her alone dont go near the beach we received a lot of restraining orders on kimberly Richmond from lennie millicent Dancy carr in indialantic Florida 431 riviera Blvd. indialantic Florida this is her address police stated I suggest you not try to go to the beach at all in Florida her family we got a lot of complaints about mrs. carr that you are not allowed near her home in indialantic stupid old whore that killed their grandmother in indialantic Florida the cops pornographed me in the home to be sure for over 16 years that I not get near her property for 16 years cops are and did place me under arrest over sheets i killed the old women in the home and my children kristina Renee Valenca was murdered in the home your a threat to children your children were killed in the home in indialantic Florida broke in the cops broke into the home with HRS for the old women in indialantic Florida i belonged on parole over the sheets that I think that there are people in her mirror who do i think I am in their family she kept yapping this name that I murdered my children in the home am crazy and dont remember doing this at all murdering shaun alan Valenca and lennie Millicent Dancy carr they were murdered by their mother kimberly Rene Richmond and that I ought not get near her property at all that the children are in danger this arrest went on for how long that no people in her mirrors under arrest over her mirrors killed the old women being sued by her for funds for damages that the father of the children kristina and shaun keith alan Valenca is the father of the children in the home your under arrest for thinking people in her mirrors watching you you think there are people in her mirrors you ripped a test pilots penis off you committed a sexual crime you were drunk his name is tony Veseley patrick air force base Florida you raped a test pilot dont remember raping him or committing a sexual crime in september of 1990. The father under arrest over the father in the home of the children keith alan valenca broke in again trying to catch their mother who raped the test pilot in the USAF catching someone they think her granddaughter that is the father of the children you had your crazy evidently you do not remember doing this you were married to keith alan valenca you were his wife I was not his wife that is not my grandmother I was not in her home at all their home ever never been there to the beach or in her home at all.

She was sure every little girls been to her home ill bet if shed been a man be a rapist sick rapist of children her family members confronted me with rainelle West Virginia here either. never been in rainelle west Virginia and evidently dont remember being in rainelwest Virginia still not any child molesters that I know mrs carr or keith alan valenca I dont know them never heard of them don twant to hear and dont no one needs to know but her granddaughter kimberly rene Richmond needed to know this was it. tHE POLICE AGENCY arrested me in the home virtually been under arrest pornographed not to go near her home for over 16 years to stay away from her home not to go back to her home in indialantic florida ever go back not to prowl into her home. this old women murdered every kimberly Richmond hot in the pants with all her relatives molested a women here pregnant child molesters in her family can prove Im her granddaughter i was in the home no fingerprints taken of her furniture not me at alll her granddaughter not have a slit on her face her chin any scars on her body from her at all she didnt have no scars facial on her granddaughter or their family members not one scar on any of them at all her kids or her grandchildren have no scars her name isnt kimberly rene Richmond not a scar on her face not arrested yet she and her family arrested them all anyone named this do this for dont have any relative named this at all. out there. No scars on her family just others children have them . arrested how many kimberly richmonds i found 1400 granddaughters named kimberly arrested by brevard county florida and this old women lennie millicent dancy carr at 431 Riviera Blvd indialantic florida all caught a prowler that it? They were all arrested children were killed by her and her relatives at random sporatic still doing this.; Prowling around her home called all of them wanted them arrested Belinda june Carr murdered more than one kimberly Richmond on the death index and her children in self defense names were not kristina and shaun the children one in rainelle west Virginia all were james dick is another relative he murdered more than one kimberly Richmond insane crazy this was her granddaughter who killed his grandmother sure this was her molested by police over him and his wife wanted a public performance of masturbation what they police forced her and her children to do for her grandson james dick city of melbourne police department maintaining only one on the death index named kimberly Richmond he only forced one of them paranoid bbaker acted he fondled in the pee pee only 2 children in the home he did this to for james dick over her life. a nancy bernyk she only didnt murder her and her children self defense of her grandmother lennie millicent dancy carr another major problem not the only people child molesters Debra Ward an adult she maintains it was one bothering one kimberly richmond filing lawsuits against one women or mother by this name sure not sure all of them molested a lot of people and children down there in the pee pee she peeped into more than one home over this old women in indialantic come into contact as a child with her at the address your either dead or child molester taught you to be a homosexual and child molester all the childdren who know her as their grandmaw still think this all of them one of two things your a dead molested murdered over her life sporatically by a mob of child molesters her girlfriends as children or your in a ditch if her relative she didnt kill any of you never do peds dont killtheir own children at all. Female pedophiles dont murder their own children they murder the father and other peoples childrne all of them they will murder all of them nepophiles mass produce armies dangerous and this army of children will murder for the nepophile anyone at all for her pedophiles and her children are pedophiles they wont murder their own children other peoples for her they will for her. They do pair like clarence bunce paired with phyllis richmond in west Virginia wont murder their own children at all but they will other peoples all of them any of them come into contact with. nepophiles are older children in the home large families of abducted children in the home have sex crazy people will too murder other peoples children. tis an army in the bunce family with cops also abduct same name children is easier to yap kermit all the time to police and hrs and fbi and each other what they do molest this child all the time call each other share the strangers children murder them maul them to death but they do. psychopathically murder children dont think normally think about murdering the owners relatives what they think about replacing people serial killing everyone mass murderers you mean. No lone pedophile they abduct children everywhere name them the same thing even if it isnt kermit going to be this name kimberly this name going to be. pedophiles are entire families 432 of them in one family are and will molest children not one at all. No loners not loners cant live or function or molest children as a loner or continue to murder children as a loner in packs all of them. nepophiles bug analogy about life are smarter got a mouth on them all rapists mentality dangerous. A beehive im a bee going to look the same everytime because were bees.

check list.

1. Break into homes avid burgulars ring of criminals work together share children coaberate
the deaths together.
2. Steal anything and everything get hands on in the home strip the entire home your in and
you own.
3. File lewd and lacivious fraudulent lawsuits with your childrens names use them custody
suits going to be the same name richmond kimberly and kermit evidence to justify the
relationship means lewd sexual battery all of it anything they say to each other or file.
4. Identity thieves steal anything and everything drivers licenses socials anything not their
name on it.
5. They are avid phone callers to the police sheriffs
6. Pedophiles had a nepophile in the home who taught them this
7. never murder their own self wont commit suicide wont do this.
8. Females are worse takes a lot of them gangs females work in mobs of them.
9. CAnt become a mathematician or have graduated with 8 years of college not them
or victims of their family not capable of doing this at all.
social workers, police, sheriffs, corrections officers, engineers, can be one psychologists
doctors some of them can be FBI agents, takes not much thought at all
10. Cause suicide these families its intentional
11. Burgularize homes with children remain in them, assume identities of anyone at all
with 1 child in their family hell their thought processes.
12. Stick with one name they wont and are incapable of with strangers and their children
other peoples wont use their name stick with same name richmond or jones or johnson
they will yap this name or kermit or kimberly or cook stay with this until no more
children or parents by this name but them entire families stay with one name of
a child incapable of going from all share the beef or the body of the others families
13. They want to become the childs family or the mother will steal identity information
and use this.
14. Female pedophiles are despicable
15. Cant function the disease will not incubate wont ever without police help or HRS or
some agency of authority can the disease become a federal disaster katrina for
example abomb Atomic bomb , hiroshima, nicaraguan killing by a tidal wave that
killed 275,000 children and citizens is this disease devastating to others.
16. force suicide and death.
17. Female pedophiles change mail they can assume the identity of the mother of any children
can approach children as the mother one burned the kids mother in the woods of their
families backyard 546 Ironwood Drive in melbourne florida in 1970. Became the mother
of the children . These women after they assume the position of the mother and the
us veterans wife a target too the military of course whole family will be at the address
in the childs life to share the child and kill it what did this do. dump it in another county
is what also molesting the same named child.
18. Avid burgularies by nepophiles can send out family members really not related to them
even if they are never be dead murder each other their family they wont find them dead.
19. A nepophile had the pedophilia not loners the illness cant have it without the authority
police and jails and a mouth to state anything or hands to write or legs to walk wont end.
20. With a telephone any contacts at all it will flourish their illness
21. Female pedophiles taught by female nepophiles worse too queen bee in a beehive.
22. These families find victims in the white pages of the telephone directories find them
here they will stay on the same name until exploitation slander by them same name
molested everyone into vomiting forced vomiting suicide long ago too difficult as
disease pedophilia breeds spreads using this name and they will mouth will state this
entire family not a family will have this on their mouth
23. If they have black hair these pedophiles and nepophiles none are alone at all. Cant
breed them alone need help of police with the children and their mothers and fathers.

24. this illness of pedophilia and nep thing is serial like all the time every day a childs dead
steal with these burgularies fantasies taught in childhood suffering most children
die. The steal photoalbums of the children rape the parents supple too for longer
whore the mother sure will her too and the father look a the photo albums and will
and are identity thieves want to become that person it depends their hair look at
this coloring and the earrings when my mother has a slilt in her ear I pulled her
you think she ripped her mothers earring out of her ear left a bad scar shes found
dead these families control the morgue here too cant go here so not a family not
parents and aunts and uncles and fathers and mothers or brothers at all just not
25. no survival
26. They steal a lot of social security numbers and cards need this information
to mass murder your family make it look like police cause most certainly
without them or the FBI cant get a major cops are the worst type of peds
you cant get all this information about a child like in a federal computer
listing their parents and their relatives 333 of them per child they murder
them all this is replacing the childs family these pedophiles and nepophiles
going to murder the children on this file they abducted are their plans.
they share children with others but they do.
27. Warren Briggs wont share them kills them on contact the parents too and the
child. He has police help im not sure if he could continue without authority or
police help he had a lot of it will without them wont rely on police to kill anyone
or lethally inject use state attorneys jails are theirs.,

28. pedophile couples parents they have relatives who are also pedophiles know this
I found having been forced to put up with them bother everyone these acts with
their own children with each other in the marriage these acts are for payment of
items for food college education that sort of thing. Assume role playing triple XXX
rated with other peoples children molest people they dont know in public all do
public exhibitioinism with strangers they dont know Triple XXXXXXX rated act
the mother the father and the children that the mother had public their families
29.. for these pedophiles they also are too psychotic to jump from smith to jones or from
jones to richmond or from cox to richmond victims this is too hard for their families
with pedophilia and nepophilia too difficult.

30. 22 nepophiles will burgularize one home with children in the home but they will
do this in one family they steal break right into a home out of a phonebook directory
ring of them criminals their mouth why never caught ID theft carnal knowledge is
in the phone book. They will pull up to your address or call the police to look into
the home a crimes been committed to their family their homes in the phonebook
your breaking into their home its their home not loners cant thrive on loner thing
With a family 324 adults just imagine nepophile does the brainwashing of her or
his army men kill them too strangers children destroy evidence never be found
men replace other peoples children have to hear about rainelle molested assaulted
over this town all the time lifetime nobody you know getting something out of it
a free home to molest children in.

31 . they have a strategic plan against others sure do molest others anyway they all
can gonna do this. cant stop doing this.

32. Force other people into their incest like it or not dont want to going to die lifes over
to them pedophiles got this from a nepophile this type enters a hospital may even
force a mother inside the hospital to slash her wrists sure do make her do this no
on she knows at all. Quadruplets women have they will be there upset peoples
lives no ones put them in prison yet already murdered god knows how many kids
exploitation starts at the hospital where the child is born with a name knowledge of
a name contact with a pedophile at all at work in a hospital where children are born.
burgulary the written documents in your home with your name on them not their
business from crimes severe upset everyone mean to like never been yet found out
pedophiles not loners too many of them in one family to be found out always coaberating
with the police or each other. molest others for children acts with children so much
time. pedophiles learn from a nepophile brainwash child abuse of the mind it is
taught in their mind twisted head. Have sex with your own these men didnt have
them old women didnt have them the children on record didnt have them werent
pregnant with them children why say anything touching anyone at all peds whole
families all of them are not just one of them. Keith alan valenca you became pregnant
in your lifetime your pregnant he became pregnant is that right a male got pregnant
tom hanson your a male in clearwater florida your pregnant is that right? In oklahoma
and its a him and he is pregnant ? This is not possible your not pregnant never were.
pregnant can never prove it not plans on ever proving this not going to not going to
take paternity tests to prove your a father of children in their ped family not a family
a pack of pedophiles not anyones family not family members . Molestation is 27 years
long no plans to prove this or 68 year old nepophiles dont have plans. in the river
they replace children toss them in the river go out and find another on and replace
it molesting kimberly whole that you do this. Serial like abduct children with the same
hair color eye color looks the same age from anywhere and force it home with them.

33. They find the children same name richmond pedophiles will bother these children
in a phone book easier today on the white pages than it used to be drive here stay
with this name men are different male peds more violent never get off it the same
name person never will. Replacing the children thrown into a river by them with other
peoples children be same name richmond again look like the child be close but it
isnt even abduct every chrissy or Kristina they find in the world but they will if the
childs name is Shawna richmond it wont be it will be kristina valenca whether she
likes it or not. These children features were predominantly looking like their brothers
and other siblings are pictures of them. Long forehead very obvious sure is pedophiles
do this

34. Pictures of the family are stolen because of age enhancement. peds entire families
take them warren Briggs told me violent take my pictures this mean in his ped
family he needs to be profiled peds do this too have other people profiles appears
that FBI is at their constant disposal and police are 24 hours a day at their whim
whatever they need i vomited a long time ago the loss of my family still molesting
me anyway my parent committed suicide in 1973. Over the same ped family i
dont know them but he did on Grove lane I was 10 years old.

EXAMPLE of brevard county and the year 1957 is the year you think.

Families in Brevard county, Florida this couple Richmond is their name here from Quantico Virginia they buy a home here and move into it. They have a child in the home. Within one week goes by and the couple is attacked by 5 adult black males the mother and the father in the home and the child are violently attacked by these adults but they were , didnt make it sure didnt whole house was stripped of identity information all their stuff is taken no one they know military documents even peeped before they went in with cops in this county melbourne, Florida this couple was white these black men are not a family have relatives also have the couples stuff social security information they stole this childrens birth certificates took them with them and the couples clothes everything. the year was 1957 . Whose the family here in this description it is not the united States marine or the wife to be or the children kermit evert richmond was married to his wife on record the couple was bludgeoned to death in their home child too. These black adults got away 5 of them violent this family didnt make it. end of story for them. this is the end of their life beginning you think of this sort of behavior in the white pages of the telephone directory not the beginning this is address number 200,000 so far last name richmond in the phone books. Not just them this many before this and more after this and what are they doing with all this information names off of documents they stole social security numbers getting background information for what names of his mother her mother their relatives from cops of course a complete FBI complex perfect long print out of all the couples relatives where they live their current addresses the city and towns they live in and for what no one that we know at all these black men committed sexual crimes to the couple and the children in the home.They died. later they need this information on 324 member of their family these men most certainly travel to all these addresses of the couples family members walk up to them take out a gun shoot them in the head after forcing their way into their homes robbing them of and stripping their homes of everything they went to all 324 addresses these men travelled to in the united States sure did do this more social security numbers more richmonds whole lot more and they did. This is not racial the men were crazy. It was important at the time for the police to make this public information that these men regardless of color crazy flipped out sexual offenders never know this was going on at all. had we known about the white against white crimes given families this wasnt the family its the 5 black men who raped the couple took their clothes off at gunpoint the white couple and the children why would this be a racial incident be no racism if this was solved if it identified as a crime at all anyone cops hadnt been looking and watching this. This is still going on and it went on for a very long time. never identified at all back then arent today. they were hostages screamed and yelled at them child molesters now during a rape and an assault by 5 black adult males of a united States marine active duty and his wife and their children in the home 2 year old child. They got away with this using this marines stuff saying things about him too a lot. And his child in the home all twisted bloody bludgeoned with shotgun shells and this too whole house of stuff kept a picture of their stuff one piece left of them. had we all known about these incidents be no racism have the big picture

Point is families not surviving then cant survive with these 5 out there finished with richmond this last name serial flipped out like go onto another surname of wont be kermit anymore be another name bother. childrens birth records are gone they took those and social security careds they took those.

At this address the us marine active duty and his wife cops were peeping into the home its their home in 1957 but they were peeping penetrating the couple in the genitals under arrest for this the couple was under arrest for this by police but they were shoving virtual devices up inside the parents butt and genitals the year was 1957 it was their home!!!!!!!!!!!! this was their child in the home her too cops were peeping into the naked child of theirs back then touching the child in the pee pee penetrating not your child in the home she was under arrest for this . The cops did send and invite 5 adult black males to the address but you did back then still doing this repressed fag thing sick videotaped this what the cops done have a videotape of this feeling the family up under arrest in their home it was their home they were here a week is it.

5 black men showed up to the address the richmonds home pulled their pants down in front of them the wife and the children 5 black men did do this the white pages told you to do this gave you the address the cops watched this and videotaped the couple at gunpoint the black adult males had shotguns they got violent police watched because just at a cops house before this sure were he had a wife too and he had children too. not anymore he the cop doesnt have a wife or children anymore either its someone elses police car someone else became his wife and became the police officer and someone else became their daughter and someone else drove his police car this is another family the county police did this to. the cops watched the mommy and the father the child too their child get battered to death in their lower half children were attacked police watched this even taped it watched their narks steal money and cash from the family these 5 black men are not a family here this is a family the couple not their home no more its theirs like the cops house before this not the cops house no more his police car no more. the couples in pieces is what. how this couple had kids in pieces yet todaythey have a daughter alive you think how is this. she has the social of these people in pieces on the ground.
This family is over it was a family Thesis on mothering for normal people and a thesis phd for fathering of children phd in being a wife and phd in being a husband.

35. tom hanson his daughters who shannon hanson carnal knowledge not richmond this
ped wont get off it even though he did this child relationship 25 years old now a child
not 26 here. Only 13 years old sicko is at the address not related they do this too
targeting whole family does this been all my life she is alive and well my children arent
because they are strangers children I dont know you at all why others kids arent
around no more 27 years just not around no more at all after the abductions.

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