Friday, February 16, 2007

united States marine corps in Brevard county Florida state of Florida

These United States marines in Quantico, Virginia in 1957 all shot in the head all unfit parents and fathers who were molesting their children child molesters a lot of them in the brevard county florida area all were named richmond not just richmond who served united states marine corps base florida these unfit fathers at the base in Quantico Virginia are all unfit state of Florida ruled all unfit parents and rapists who were child molesting their children on their wives too. the excuse for shooting in the head and dumped even lester at the FBI brevard county in the woods Lester not Richmond at all where are their children little girls and boys their wives had down in brevard county Florida what all doing here inbrevard the state of Florida tallahassee got all these reports these marines were jacking their thing off infront of t heir children came from brevard need lawyer s they were masturbating in public places the united States marines national security was sure clarence bunce is sure they were how many of them need a lawyer these fathers where are their children in state custody in Brevard county Florida has them all safe from these marines in quantico the sheriffs office has them safe from their parents in Florida all their kids are in custody in Brevard county federal marshalls saving the children how many whole phone book under richmond saving them kermie richmond dead these children who were being molested by their fathers in quantico virginia where are they safe ? kimberlies children too are safe where on doe network safe now the children .

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