Its lennie carr again in brevard county again in Florida all their little child molesters are safe in your family and in citrus all safe and sound in the valenca family another school bus missing in pennsylvania Florida did it Warren Briggs its a christian school the child molesters from connecticut dicks did it again another bus missing too many problems not florida school bus not their child molesting families school bus bunces in north carolina school bus. The school bus is missing but it is child molesters are safe drove it into the woods on downhere all safe their families and in georgia is there a fire nearby at all in pennsylvania kimberly on the bus a shawn on the bus or a kermit on the bus that it must be richmond on the bus or a matthews on the bus which one running out of phone book in your child moleseting families not williams or boyer or cornish or alford or brandon, carr or dick not anyone on the bus. He is shooting them in the head all the little kids telling them this he is going to do this to his head they better come up with some cash Shawn on the bus a little boy named Shawn name his mother gave him not you little child molesters in Florida in the valenca family didnt name the child here lennie carr in brevard county florida other kids onthe bus onthis bus in the woods he is yelling at the children calling themchild molesters now the children he is going to make homosexuals out of them now with a gun to their heads its avoice inside the childrens heads a cop is in the woods with them gary boyer 721 titusville police officerin \brevard county Florida drove the bus into the woods he does this with this black man and Brent Zellers is on the bus too.
Warren Briggs did it blackadult male and gary boyer florida did it from louisiana HRS florida keeps doing this inverness florida keith alan valenca is there a fire? Kelly donald her child molesting grandmother and wards not them either their child molesting state did hijacked the bus Florida child molesting state and colorado your child molesting state again hijacked the bus at gunpoint again and all did child molesting families inWest Virginia davis again . did it again. all did it again. On the bus christian school not connecticut yeck those child molesters in new york safe too. your child molesting state is safe again. isnt that a long long time ago fake matthews again your fake child molesting family again and roarke fakes again wasnt this long time ago the bus was missing it was hijacked taken into the woods the bus he keeps doing it warren Briggs and this county susie wickel Clarence Bunce on the bus with a gun loaded weapons in the woods with other peoples children using the name warren Briggs he get this adult black male violent but he is Veseley did it again his child molesting family again in Brevard again child molesting state of Florida again and colorado again columbine incident again by the FBI abency again inFlroida again your child molessting agency again. you again.,. are those your children lennie carr child molester again and her safe family again dicks in florida and the child molesting cops again. Is there a fire is he burning the children in a fire dont want to bring attention to the bus with the children murdering the children on the bus drove it to an isolated area Florida and warren Briggs done this before in another state.the city of titusville florida police department again he is on the bus too nepophile cop badge 721 his name gary boyer again child molesting state of Florida which is safe all the little child molesters are safe in florida and in colorado what sheriffs of colorado in denver are safe that child molesters safe belive that in brevard too all safe families are safe no ones touching theirHMO here they go again with a school bus wheres the other bus with the children on the bus. Being murdered by now raped tortured and murdered by now on that bus. thanks to the dick family addie dick is not on the bus her child molesting family wards are not on the bus her name stupid old idiot isnt addie dick is your grandmother dead your upset addie dick is id be too if i lost my lover my child molester you think.
Look at the asshole sheriff of denver colorado not on this bus in pennsylavania and the asshole president and the assholes at thePentagon safe and sound child molesting families how safe they all are asshole florida all are assholes in kentucky assholes just found a sheriffs remainsin kentucky who was sheriff all that time assholes look at them how safe child molesting state of kentucky all safe Warren Briggs the asshole did though in the HMO in healthfirsts Floridas HMO children are safe their employees dead crazy people on the bus with the children again.asshole sheriffs in orlando in palm bay police department and the asshole gary carr child molester in mims how safe he is his family is inbelinda june carr assholes fromrainelle west Virginia.
this is what they are doing on the bus to the children "assholes" for children were their comments all adults connecticut is new yorkis louisiana is what they are stating to the children on the bus in the woods what an asshole they all are yelling and screaming at the children on the bus they are assholes cornish family no ones talking to you in new york stated to the children assholes the children on the bus in the woods are this state of New york your not one child molesting state of new york. Despicable new york real gross from there. richmonds in the phone book.
He is those making the children bend over warren Briggs and adult again on the school bus but he is doing this in the woods what he does holding them hostage on the bus for the state of Florida in their HMO for the county of brevard their families child molesting families are safe here they are again Florida on a school bus in pennsylvania another bus their child molesting families are safe ream is safe potts is safe Shawn Potts is dead and hes safe he lived at coutnry garden estates in palm bay murdered by child molesters and the police and HRS murdered the person and HRS but they did what they do.
the children on the school bus the christian school all under the Baker act in Florida all being baker acted its the children who are crazy children. Not a public school for child molesters in brevard county to bother or north carolina child molesting state of North carolina no ones bothering them are one richard valenca whole earths revolves around him hes in the woods with little kids at the school.
On this school bus the child arrested named richmond virtually like an adult target these adults left brevard county florida went to the targeted address and we richmond all of them state of Florida child molesters and their families lennie carr all lived here the families home was burgularized broke into his parents home and stripped the entire home of valuables too his photographs murdered the entire family mommy daddy brothers sisters everyone went to their house he caint have nothing at all did this to everyone in the same families this is done prior to murdering the child. by abductors using this name richmond saying lewd stuff demands out of a phone book his parents stuff is in Florida here in brevard county in someones house going throught it all knowing they murdered the children saying stuff socials and all that names on titles all down here in brevard and orlando Florida all of it and nicole cornish adult pedophile 25 years old in georgie her sister is in orlando Florida been pick through it have causes against people murdered and everything know they did murder the entiire school bus what for? needed cash nepophiles molested as children growing up ring of them entire families are this way. needed to get off unleashed from hostage type environments with pedophiles for 18 years all unleashed into the community completely crazy whole families one lived at English park condominiums 164 ulster lane melbourne florida not arrest this is another one keith alan valenca and his family fled to citrus county florida into orange fled the area whole family has pedophilia. Warren Briggs told children crazy stuff take their pictures from the home none of them work alone cant do this alone to anyone need a phone and family to be free to do this to others been free in this county since 1957 doing this from here in orlando Florida john dick tony veseley flipped out turn 18 years old now all of them are,
All the suicides that werent suicides this too around their families and the cops for them cops work with them all in this state allof them worked with them on the school bus. The address was 431 Riviera Blvd indialantic Florida childrens photo albums from other states were here in brevard county florida at this address for a long time collecting them with 56 other peds in the county and state.
These child molesters inthis county had a lot to say about kimberly in this county with police ricco hernandez is one of them shes sick stupid old whore her brother raped mary nevey she is ugly she cant live here shes a child molester kimberly is keith alan valenca another child molester she has no united STates citizenship no more Kimberly needed her head blown off by the Pentagon she called the pentagon agency called them a "mother fucker" this agency went around blowing their heads off of all of them. child molesters in titusville florida she wont be calling me a liar not more she molested susan bunce all looking for them kimberlies to blow it off andrape her catch her this kimberly in this county of brevard blow her head off she needed her head blown off unfit mother her son shaun needs to be dead never should have been born at all he murdered our grandmother to police andhrs here keep murdering them violent murders by this county and in this county citrus county florida the brevard county judge shot one in the head her name kimberly left the dead body on the ground.
tony veseley at patrick air force base florida he had this name blowing their heads off with cops a lot of them hes an adult. Keith alan valenca his family needs her head blown off he stalked them with his family of child molesters cops blew it off used the name at HRS unfit mother attacking anyone think is here made womenup arent her to do this ritual all kimberly renee richmond no head have no head wrists are slashed up on their bodies all of them.
this is a stupid old whore ass mother ugly old whore so is her son shaun stalking them all fromthe county of brevard and hrs in tallahassee has this name titusville florida police only one that any of themknow she had one child named shaun not in pennsylvania
There are thousands of dead childrens bodies at an english park 164 ulster lane inmelbourne florida and 1616 Sunnybrook lane D103 palm bay florida dead little boys andgirls buried under the complexes a lot of them. since 1957 a bunch of them skeletons thousands of them. bones of childrens fingers and feet and portions of their skull buried under the complex by gary boyer and the sheriffs office lennie carr and her son gary carr. they lived in Titusville Florida not your family none of them are. all that could be ascertained that the patients of circles of care and hrs state of Florida the provider the cops all were your patients at pan american and at USAF and other corporations billed first for care before they were dumped.That their families were in the phone book white pages listed under richmond alll of them their mothers and fathers and their children born at brevard hospital all delusional children and schziophrenics with appendicitis little boys a lot of them baker acted too by cops in melbourne and HRS palm bay police department where are they then. did have residential phone listings. in the white pages under richmond matthews, this name too. unfit parents too they were all unfit moms and dads to care for the children in the circles of care the county determined this 138 olive street incocoa florida buried children their remains are here around this address 1957 patients of the hospitals
at this hospital its healthfirst hospitals the mothers are set up with visitation with their infants by lennie carr and her family members and clarence bunce abducted who is she and circles of care another provider set up visitations with the babies keith alan valenca the father of them all sexual harrassment of thefamilies who had insurance byhrs andpolice here not their grandparents and uncles or fathers at all.
I had 3 children here all with the same family members took off with them all 3 of them I dont know them at all. not related at all. One was adopted to hearn when I had her product of rape attacked by brent zellers known pedophile I think this no one that I know at all united States as being related to me at all. they took them and went to HRS stated its their relatives sexual harrassment molestation said this their child mothers are crazy think had children in the plan need to blew their heads off all of them and the fathers heads are blown off all are some moms struggling with the plan with valenca cornish and carr and bunce and cops and hrs.No one saw them go into the canal either their children born dreama davis saw them all in another state beverly cornish saw them in citrus and orange barney willis saw them all no one did who gave birth to the infants.The mothers have to be in court with cheryl ann carr whalen the child molesters grandmother over her lennie carr the childmolester grandmother of all the children what for all shot in the head the mothers at the hospital who had babies at all. the fathers too
whores had the children at the hospital cops are takingthe babies fromhere too.why cant the mothers and fathers leave the state of Florida or the county who had babies at healthfirst in melbourne florida and cape canaveral hospital and in palmbay florida whore in las vegas nevada baker acted needed for dont have to live here have children in another country nottheir children at healthfirst need them here for in the county of brevard stalking the mothers to other states to blow their heads off whore in other states. do this for the infants are for to get off taken fromthe hospitals by the same families bunce valenca keith and albert lennie carr gary carr and his cousinsthe dicks having sex with them the infants and the sheriff of the county. and Hrs is inwith them. all work inside the hospital day you have the child not yours at all or the fathers. I had the first one in 1980 never sar it. not mine my insurance is billed first for the birth unfit parents cant take care of their kids like lennie carr her family can sexually need sex all do need sexual activity and the fathers are buried strangers make the funeral arrangements for their fathers at the hospital set these up allover the place maxwell brownlie funeral home the fathers funerals take the children here to the funeralsame adults every time.These child molesters need money for to take care of the babies from the parents who gave birth to them cant see them ever. in the HMO need sex with these adults lennie carr clarence bunce become the infants relatives all of them grandmother sex fantasies they have with hrs and cousins and sunts never proving this to police and to hrs.This new family who takes the infants drag the infants around and their same family all have sex with the child frominfancy drive it around know it isnt their children but cant stop 75 of them adults are doing this in the HMO parents and the insured party never see their infant unfit with all 75 of them all babies aredriven to citrus county for sexual acts my children all say my grandsons and nieces and nephews dont know what the mothers doing near their children all of them ever born at the hospital at all.Insured is crazy never had a baby at all the parents are sick their baby now didnt have it protecting the children blow the insured parents heads off .Barney Willis is one of them the infants have to go see all of them black prison release new family now in orlando Florida.
police are take reports fromthis ring ofchild molesters i saw one shot in the face at age 5 years oldL. I am not supposed to be here writing at all after having a baby at healthfirst hospitals at all virginia hospitals newport news naval station not their children at all neps are in that hospital.
Im supposed to be dead the day I had the baby. Any baby after they hospital gets the payment for the birth my heads supposed to be blown off Im not needed anymore none of the mothers are at all necessary at all.The insured is baker acted after having the babies a provider of mental health police take them here not surrogate mothers for the provider murdered by cops here ,.
They do tell the insured party not your children all do state of Florida tells them off police do not your children in their HMO never signed up for HRS molesting the kids never seen mine at all not surrogate. Another hospital in citrus county florida in the ring in that county keith alan valenca his family goes here seven rivers hospitals in citrus he and his family do this crazy stuff at this hospital too. The Father of the children and he has help lennie carr her too this is the grandmother of the baby take off with them all they need is your name the mother on the birth records to end your life all they need and hrs their help
Another one kelly dick employed at Kmart and she and the city of palm bay are having a lot of police problems with the mother and the insured parties who had children athealthfirst hospitals in melbourne cop problems her grandmother lennie carr one of the abductors of the infants at the hospitals supposedly her granddaughter kimberly with everyone all the parents your having one her grandmother moests the children in the home the infants not her grandmother inthe house do with the police here not the mother kelly dick at kmart did not have the richmond children not your children anyway or her grandmothers children.
This dog named Lizzie and this warren Briggs an employee with HRS she needed the sex too the dog did cops made the dog have sex did this too in the HMO what the cops made us all do before we all died. cops here palm bay police department what you made us do their the doctors in the HMO stickign their penis in the dog lizzie her name.
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Re: statements and accusations made by My Life. This individual is blatantly posting lies and slandering innocent persons across the internet including this site, and has libeled family members, several individuals, healthcare facilities and providers, as well as law enforcement. This vicious libel must stop and has been reported to the proper authorities.
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