Thursday, February 15, 2007

Florida brevards sick molestation of kimberlies

These old homosexual women child molestation ring inthe Brevard county Florida area 9 women who did molest kimberlies in this county left this county with cops in titusville florida headed for kimberlies homes any last name and did walk up and murdered their parents in new hamshire in new mexico in texas and did grab little kimberlies drove them back to Florida to the brevard county area to an address 431 Riviera Blvdin indialantic Florida 9 womenlive inthe home named lennie attacked them all sexually threw the little girls inthe bathtub all of them with bleach she travelled to clarence bunces house using this name amongst them all here a kimberly easier than going from kimberly to john then john to david then from a david one day to joshua too hard but they did bring them all here and shared the little girls here fromone address to the other one adult in their ring streched to citrus county florida hrs used the same name kimberly with the cops are in with this have been 1957, the other child is kermit any child by this name brought here police force to moelst them beating them in the woods end of their life in this county of brevard see them all on the federal death index all of them. were washed in bleach water by 9 old female adults women in indialantic taken to her daughters house and molesed there then to south carolina a lot ofhtem were sixtuplets dick was the womens namd then to the sheriffs office he took turns with them same adults used one name kimberly slandering with cops same adult males and females every time. kermits too any child by this name of kermit brought here found and their fathers were brought here for lewd acts easier to slander this name called each other all know eahc other farming the kimberlies in and out of the county into the woods and the little kermits calling each other daiily and the sheriffs office with this name kimberly and kermit then shawn on this child then richmond in general left this county and did target homes with these chidlren at hrs what this county does filed cases babies were killed last stop was the woods beatings with bats after the bleach baths all here in this county some are in citrus county others arein brooksville florida albert valenca at his address this kimberly is the same child only one child who died in the bunce home washed them all with bleach before their deaths. On shawns leaving this county and murdering their parents at US addresses from citrus and from the brevard county area did richmond already this name left this county for any florida county at all murdered the parents at the address children were brought here molested in a line of child molesters had causes the cops used this name richmondover andover again cops are involved gary boyer titusivlle police officer him too stuck his penis inthem first all threats to national security agency the richmond childrne all this sharing they were beaten with bats in the wooods by this county. On the name shawn right now Warren Briggs last stop he tore allthe little kids heads off what he did named richmond but he did after he got off int the ring they have here. got this name of a child named kimberly unable to not use it at all.

the babies kermits all of them not all showing up on the death index this is the county and the cops here that did this melbourne police department ignoring the death index cant do this since 1957 a lot of little babies namedkermit in the woods dumped inorlando florida only name they can use slander lewd and lacivious by this county bren tZelllers how people feel about kimberly and kermit and the richmond wont shut up in this case 73-2978CA-01 brevard lennie carr is using the childrens name here she cant use this name in her family valenca either.Inher mind she had custody of all the little kermits and kimberlies and richmond kids say what she wants gary boyer 721 titusville police officer forced sex with all of them before they died all the children had to . this one took a boat out into the water with little kermits not from here abducted in her ring fed them to sharks looking for more of them to molest washed them in bleach and water to destroy evidence sharing them hrs using this name ring old one. childrn ahad to be beaten to death another one must be 97 adults left here and got the kids and murdered their parents shes calling the child molesters she thinks this needed to tell people where thier children can the children not respond in the case with these names unable to shut her sick mouth up atall does not mean this all the richmond children not to use this name with judges and she did children not her name her person lewd she can shut her mouth about other peoples children very large ring of cops too invoved with the richmond childrne getting off sheriffs office williams phillip and warren briggs and the FBI in melbourne and circles of care all died here in the woods.
One kermit who had been abducted from colorado taken here and these adults put him through a line of child molesters here but they did all of us in the brevard county area and the cops homosexuals male and cops clarence bunce and gary boyer another cop he tried to go home to colorado sheriffs in colorado murdered him in denver colorado under arrest by this county not from this county at all,. Not their child his parents were murdered when he was abducted all sick and hot slandering richmonds making rape slurs comments in the case in this county neededd to be in this case my name old child molesters used was old 65 years old at the time all not a child molester in colorado indenver at all.

the other last name slander case its insane 73-2978CA-01 Brevard county the dead body was kimmie cook of the child not just kimberly richmond in this divorce her child molestation ring with 90 other adults they never die just the children kimmie cook was abducted brought to this county and raped and molested by 90 adult males this county brevard did this city of titusville florida went here 6450 we appian way in homosassa florida his brothers raped them all prior to death albert richard valenca taken here to norht carolina first HRS is involved with the slander accusations cant shut sick mouth up with richmond and kimberly either.

She with cops and the sheriffs office and keith alanvalenca english park employees abducted nicole cornish another adult in georgia alive 10,000 children named kermit richmond brought them to this county of brevard sexually molested them washed with bleach half did worse to them as children in this county tied them with rope bodies since 1957 all of them some are inthe ocean others are in the dump brent Zellers is in her ring my life and my name the case is over gary boyer 721 titusville police department homosexual acts with the babies allof them are gone not on the index beaten with bats by child molesters not alive showing up as alive nothing left of most of them.lthese kermit babies last name was richmond all of them long time ago couldnt stop some were thrown in the river sharks ate them in theindian river been gone cant yap another name on another childs name shawn this name now other peoples shawns too stupid to go from nicole cornish white adult female who you are in your lewd family from connecticut pervert like them valenca she shared the children too one of them 24 year old adult now not a child anymore not your name no one gave this pervert this name in georgia serious one with this county withkimberly on the federal death index your a pervert in georgia with a mental problem.

Ten thousand children named kermit were abducted fromtheir homes in the united States their parents were confronted by Gary boyer 721 titusville cop whole county of child molesters of course in all states all did and murdered their parents took the children named kermit richmond any kermit brought themall to the brevard county Florida area shared forced to do sexual acts with adult child sexual molesers inthis county palm bay police department also made them do these acts with fish all of them had to fed some of them to sharks in boats , others were taken into the woods and beaten with a bat to death. Not on the federal death index their familie dont want this gary boyer 721 city of titusville florida dont wont them on it have to in your child molesting families homosexual child molesters left nothing of the little boys or their parents sharing them all here in the brevard county area having bizarre sexual acts with the little boys what brevard county does all been doing all died. not concerned about a funeral for the children last thing this community concerned about what their parents wanted sheriffs and hrs state of Florida no concerns outside of this state about how families you feel about losing your kermits needed sex here in this county hrs needed a power trip in tallahassee slandered dead as a schizopophrenic HRS repeats this 73-2978CA-01 brevard this is the case abducted in but it was all 11,000 were in this county little kermits from addresses in other states were in this county from age 2 and up to 67 allgot off in his butt before the babies died nothing left of them these men ran them over with cars cops did state did. keith alan valenca involved with molesting them all homosexual family child molesters the kids were washed in bleach by her and beverly cornish

these child molesters carol dick is one of them 11,000 children brought here and keith alan valenca nothing left of their face of the little boys in the suit shot themin the head several times a lot of them. child molesters its easier for them to slander one childs name but it is all of them named kermit richmond were in this county brought them here to the county had no parents nomore child molesters in this county fbi youroneof them in tampa Florida family fromconnectiut used a weapon on the childrens faces a rifle important claiming they can speak this too use it with HRS cant use it your grandmother lennie cant state the name no one you know hes marilyn monroes cousin from connecticut this is their cousin the movie star and we can blow their faces off if we want to over our cousin marilyn monroe for how long kermit richmonds face been gone. The first one died 1958 homosexuals and child molesters dont want the name on the death index have to,. how many of them.

Every kimberly on the death index was told molested marilyn monroe the famous movie star from connecticut before their heads were blown off all of them at their US address in theunited States it was her life kimberlies made the famous movie star kill herself all had schizophrenia threats to national security agency over marilyn Monroe richmond children did what blew your families heads off richmond children blew every member of her families head off kermit children too molested marilyn monroe a famous movie star down there peeped into her home this famous movie star from connecticut kimberlies made her kill herself blew their heads off over this movie star little boys too kermit richmond 12,000 boys in the united States blew their heads off over this movie star from this county made her kill herself shes from connecticut broke into homes of children over this movie stars suicide names were kermit blew their heads off that many. Kimberly these children too alll on the federal death index for connecticut over a movie star named this. police did do this . that this marilyn monroe a famous movie star that hrs has what her name as the victim in all the deaths of child abuse and child molestation by these dead kimberlies in the united States and kermit richmonds you have child molestation on all their files that this is the child fromconnecticut in 1964 children molested downthere inthecrotch our families are her child molester in discovery inbrevard county florida all of them were her child molester. these cops broke into little boys homes named kermit richmond wanted a public performance from the naked children named kermit 12,000 o fthem for marilyn monroe sexually assaulted them in the pee pee try to get them to perform over her death and kimberlies homes did this to these children in the pee peepeeped into their homes under arrest to perform over marilyn monroe cops needed to see these kimberlies masturbate in the united States police wanted to see in their homes watch them jack awf over marilyn monroe the famous movie star made children named this do all of them over her life ugly children named kimberly over connecticut a lot of children molesting this movie star named kimberly a lot of them were sexually molested peeped into the home threats to national security agency over this movie star blewtheir heads off jacked them off over connecticut a movie star from there a lot of children name kimberly not just one of them the other childs name kermit richmond 12,000 of them in the united States. Who is marilyn monroe which adult is this .

This peeping toms over television shauns and shawns little boys homes were peeped into by cops told them to sexaully assaulted the little naked boys penetrated them in the pee pee and anus wanted public performance of masturbation wanted to watch the little boys named shawn in the all of the in the united states masturbate like madonna in the sheriffs and HRS employees TV sets had to perform for the sheriff phillip Williams in this county your who Shaun Penn famous person and hes madonna wants to tell people little boys did masturbate like madonna all of them HRS employees did this to chidlren in the united States named shawn. threats to national security agency to famous people wanted to see this while peeping into the home and did wanted to call this a disease tony Veseley your not a famous person on the TV tried to force the little boys to get off while cops watched over shaun penn and madonna in the cops tv set and HRS employees tv want it to be schizophrenia the little boys had the other movie star is thomas magnum this name comes up later after all these deaths these cops and HRS want to see this over thomas magnum kimberlies are under arrest over his life their agency sexually asaulted them in the crotch forcing children hrs peeping int the home over t his show to masturbate over their families angela ream is not thomas magnum not the dead children see them masturbate and kill themselves jack off and die police did thisl folsom cityof palm bay police department your marilyn monroe, your a famous movie star being molested by kermit richmond 12,000 children ran in front of a car sin 1957 rather than perform for the police officers and angela ream andlennie carr whose this marilyn monroe 45 year old child molester cops have a name williams is one of them keith alan valenca which cops virtual device is this .

Tony Veseley USAF test pilot at patrick air force base florida your who magnum PI police said kermit richmond is molesing thomas magnum on the TV set real serious pervert big time with kimberlies sure and kermits richmond 12,000 little kids had to publicly perform over marilyn monroes life for this county one county of brevard florida all under arrest children not in this county in colorado and in california and utah named kermit richmond and kimberly anything in massachusetts under arrest by cops in this county to jack it off while they watchover famous people in the TV lennie millicent dancy carr your famous cops did this for child molesters .

sheriffs of the county phillip williams of brevard but he did sexuallyl assaulted children in other states he is now does this in front of children not theirs they all do in this state this county citrus county defuniak springs. Florida . cops have pornographed children outside this county and state at HRS agency a lot of them other peoples children committed suicide over magen Ream and her mother Angela ream age 44 white female child molestation in her home with her kids a lot of it her husand roger went to prison her whole family has molestation problems city of palm bay police department his brother was arrested for child molestation leave me and my child alone andrea richmond only 12 years old only child molesters in the home palm bay cops and the ream family. magen too her sister too caitlin and her mother angela ream a child molesters hisbrother was arrested for this folsom peeping into the home kerry folsom and his brother is now a cop city of palm bay police department he does this to families with child moleseting families his brother did kerry folsom his brother in the child molestation bureau newspaper over TV he did this .

police here forced suicides in other states over masturbation sheriff phillip Williams in the potts family for them this family Potts her husband is in prison child molestation in the home she did this too adult female 45 years old white adult female lives in palm bay florida old women with police she

city of palm bay police department after children were born at this local hospital in melbourne Florida and one in palm bay Florida the cops mysteriously showing up at the parents address a child witnessed this the city of palm bay cops sporatic instable in their approach with anyone at all here it has been the cops in palm bay pulling up at the mothers address and shooting her in the head the baby was about 4 days old and the father was at work and they pulled up there and shot the the father inthe head child saw this claims she did see the police cars pulling up a lot and aiming at citizens and shooting them in the head Country Garden Estates In palm bay Florida all the time the child says she saw this a lot the cops pulled up and somoene left their apartment and a palm bay police car pulled up and shot them in the head tried to get into their car daily shootings by the city of palm bay police department at this country garden estates in palm bay florida a lot of them a lot of people in palm bay florida area. the childs name was andrea and alexandria didnt see this at all. She the child was walking home from school left the bus and was walking home through a parking lot in this apartment complex the child nother head horrible cops their agency gets worse worthless sacks of warren Briggs ship wanted rid of the ship theshuttle nowhere near the shuttle when they were shot in the head she said she got blood splattered all over her when the palm bay police department pulled up and started shooting at their head a persons head that her grandmother wouldnt use the name karenhearn n not in this country id get rid of it. not showing up as dead richmond children also shot someone in the head to not get near their space shuttle in titusville florida the person was in palm bay
Florida police didnt just pull upnationalsecurity their head was worth it worst cops money could buy sorry ass pieces of shit warren Briggs every one of them is a warren Briggs in this state the sheriffs are warren Briggs too palm bay police department over this space shuttle in their family police pulled up to an address again and aimed and shot someone in the head over the shuttle was a shuttle at the time random shootings make no sense over marilyn monroe random shootings over her life and angela reamshot 75 women mothers in the head named kimberly for their family in one week random and their children raped them first before they did random her family did this at country Garden estates over Kmart

more shootings at addresses over grandmother lennie millicent dancy was hername she was a child molester at an address and she had stolen a childs yearbook and the police did randomly again she made a lot of calls and wanted the people in the yearbook not in her home her family got together deciced to use the yearbook and randomly police were called no people in her home by this name at all never were but police did pull up at random out of this yearbook for her own safety and shot themall in the head for this lennie millicent dancy carr over the shuttle too ut they did shoot everyone in the head at random for her granddaughter kelly dick at kmart her grandmother her too took thenames from the yearbook and randomly made calls to the police over the yearbook and police again in palm bay randomly pulled up and shot them in the head always kimberly my name she does do this i dont know her not at all their grandmother no one did know her. more people named kermit at random why is she at kmart terrorists with us identification dick kelly not yours not howq you obtain us citizenship looks mothing like kelly dick terrorists here go out there sueing people under US identification not theirs at all at kmart not who they are at all shooting people named kimberly at random not her niece her cousin or anything and kermit richmond done at random instable with police here in other states also a lot of them witnesses a threat to her grandmother an international terrorist not possbile have citizenship your family this is not sueing anyone me for writing found a richmond anyone in aphone book they blew their heads off in their homes this is what dick veseley related to each other. richmond name not enough that her grandmother got off another child in that home is what she made calls to her family kelly dick you go out and with cops shoot their whole family in the head her grandmother 9 women at the address not her grandmother child molesters random all the mother who gave birth to children at local hospitals not just here they all did though going to healthfirst all the nepophiles like blow your head off to have a baby at that hospital who they couple was had a baby at the local hospital the child says she saw this not only did their terrorist family all of them after her grandmother had sex with children in a home in indialantic she would make calls to others sexual fanatasies having with the richmonds and the community not her kids either kmart employee got calls she got off this grandmother this wording terrorists using with the police kmart employee you know this is not correct not your grandmother sick she needs something done about the child and the parents who is always kimberly that her name blew a lot of those off terrorists this kelly dick at kmart she takes her calls launch this sick campaign on a kimberly the mother of the child sure do and the child her grandmother just got awf in a home indialantic cant have cops pull up like she has had at her convenience for this grandmother this old women 8 of themmolesting kidsin this house all our life here its her grandmother her partner in crime unless shes crazy at kmart got to do other things her grandmothers sexual roles we dont want them to play with our famiy richmond terroristic shetook the babies from local hospitals the infants one of them. How long has this 9 grandmothers been having sex with kimberlies other peoples children in the home how long kelly dick bothered someone about this the police and hrs your grandmother has sex with others kids yall pull up blow their heads off when shes done with this sex act we dont want to do this with your family and the cops she got off some sick child molester we have other plans how long been doing this.

Been pulling up at addresses after mommies have the babies sporatic about it police too shot the mothers in the head and the fathers were found in the woods at this hospital lennie millicent Dancy carr a child molester shes had kimberly richmond in her home now since 1957 kimberly richmond in the home her granddaughter in 1957 she had her here then. she was 3 years old sex roles scary your calling kmart calling kelly dick at kmart she is in the home with a 3 year old kimberly richmond shes sure getting the child off forcing homosexuality in the home on the child in 1957 is the year shes shoving her tongue into kimberly richmond slamming her adult head into her crotch where is the mother and the father of the child this is her granddaughter she told who this voices inside her head told police this do this for in 1957 your granddaughter forcing her to be a homosexual and a child molester the 3 year old forcing the child to get off hoping shell learn to do you back how old would she be sex games at the hospital with the infants and the families 53 years old this kimberly Richmond is that correct. Your the childs grandmother is that correct this kimberly richmond dont explain this just yap do whatever your doing you think. child needs to fuck herself kill herself this 53 years old and flipped out be a fag now with little girls where did she get the child? This grandmother thing is with the police not her child not her grandmother not a relative cause suicided not rehabed fag the old women 57 years oldyou think that her parents are in hell or the mother appreciated this shes awhat now old whore at the police department voice inside my head im not 52 years old yet. This old women lives in Brevard county Florida 431 Riviera Blvd indialantic Florida not her address using the address fanstasy how did you murder thegrandmother of this child kimberly richmond when she born in this sexual fantasies created for her and her family not her family ill bet she died a sexual death this lennie millicent dancy carr from quinwood west Virginia how did she die the actual grandmother this fantasy she has with kimberly Richmond being a women on the beach is mightly serious one about being a wife statements were to who police and hrs a fantasy and this name kimberly used also not hers to use at all where does kimberly richmond go next wheres this one from this 3 year old she forced to be a faggot whose address does the child go to next was she crying the child screaming she saw what ecstacy you think child not in ecstacy at all kimberly richmond her name shes 3 years old fromwhat state new hampshire is it this 3 year old born in new hampshire .This kimberly richmond no one she knows fantasies not her name but it is evidence the child was in her home this too fantasies about the child cant open your mouth where are her parents dead in new hampshire why is this unfit said this too blew their heads off cause caint take care of kimberly richmond like she can all 9 of you then what she has to die this child going to replace her life with who? Another child your going to git another child fromwhere and how named kimberly richmond cant repeat it on the phone at all to anyone now that shes being made a faggot and all that get the police to help them with kimberly are ya how long this go one without an injunction well children need sex old whore wont shut her mouth about the child has not parents she arent the grandmother at all who said she could do this child wont be writing at all how manage this is evidince of what your her grandmother sex roles and i is sexual harrassment fromstrangers needed heads blowed awf where is this child is she writing from new hampshire is she a faggot now homosexual now foster home now kind of lunies are you name is not carr at all. gonna leave me alone about grandmother my name alone this child was in your home when was this what child werent in that home her mouth on them? a

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